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detect user activity and change download speed accordingly


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can bitcomet be programmed so that it detects how much the user is actually using the net connection and if it detects no usage it will download at maximum speed, and slowing down when there is a user demand for bandwidth?>

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Bitcomet cannot and will not monitor your computer usage as it would be a violation of your privacy and many users would not like that but what you are asking for can be done manually by changing the global max settings or automatically using set times via scheduler, of if your router offers QOS you can set bittorrent traffic to a lower priority than other traffic to accomplish this automatically, but it's been my experience that QOS slows everything down. I experimented with it because I was having issues with VoIP telephone quality and wanted it to have priority over bittorrent, but even when not using the phone I got reduced bittorrent speed. My conclusion was that there is no perfect solution other than slowing it manually when the need arises.

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