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Unable to download


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Hello, I have looked extensively before making this post, I hope that someone might be able to help. When attempting to download an audiobook from audiobookbay, I recieve the following error: "Torrent file decoding failed! Please try to re-download the file." It doesn't matter what torrent I try, I've tried 15, I always get the same error. Thanks in advance.

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I'd be glad to try the site but it appears you need to be a member. What I'd suggest is try opening one of their torrents in notepad, you should be able to read it (somewhat), it will have some things that seem to make sense like the name of the torrent, trackers, files and the rest will be be encoded data. If it's blank or corrupted data, you won't be able to read any of it and from what you describe it sounds like the downloads all failed.

Or if you want me to try and download one of their torrents and test it with bitcomet, send me your log-in details in a private message. You can change to a temp password and then change back after I've done the testing.

You could also try uploading one of their torrents here and I can check to see if it's corrupt.

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