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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration ×
Comet Forums
To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration

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The VIP account lets you download upto 10gb of data using the VIP servers to assist your torrents. There is no limit on how much use of the servers is required to complete your tasks, the only limit is on the total of your completed downloads. In this context the term "bandwidth" refers to the actual data received, unlike ISP's that count traffic both directions and include even rubbish data. BitComet felt the only fair way to calculate the use was on the actual successful download of data. For each gb of data you receive our servers have to download it from peers and in order to get it as quickly as possible the servers end up uploading much more than they download, so on many torrents they may upload 5-10gb, download 1gb and send you 1gb, so they expend several times as much as is deducted from your account. There will be nothing deducted from your account if the task cannot be completed regardless of the resources expended in trying, so simply put it works on a flat-rate system.

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