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My Bitcomet is suddenly not downloading anything.

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Help? My Bitcomet (which I have never had any issues with) is suddenly not doing anything. My little green arrows show up fine for each torrent, but there is absolutely no movement at all. I have torrents with up to 4,000 seeders and from top uploaders, but nothing happens. I have never seen it do this before and I have been using Bitcomet for five years.

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  On 4/24/2015 at 1:22 PM, fbdebbihogan said:

I am having the same problem and don't understand all the technical stuff to provide more information.

We'd love to help, but if you don't understand even the most basic things about your computer then we aren't going to get very far. I don't have access to your computer to tell what is wrong and also don't have any idea what kind of computer you're using, so unless you make an attempt to get the info, or find someone who can provide the info on your behalf there isn't much we can do.

Most technical colleges are full of hungry geeks and you could probably find one to come out to your house and diagnose this for you, or at least provide the basic info so we can help. It would be money well spent considering it's helping a person survive college, many of whom survive on only ramen noodles and coffee.

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PEOPLE... if you all want our help, you're going to have to make an attempt to help us to help you by answering these simple questions--> http://www.cometforu...before-posting/

All that you have to do is click on the link and provide the information required. If you don't do this, we won't be able to help you.

If someone else continues to post but DOES NOT provide this information, I will personally lock this thread, as it is just wasting time.

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This topic reminds me of someone reporting to their doctor "it hurts, it hurts" but refusing to provide any medical background forms and not even telling the doctor what hurts or anything more about it.

As soon as one of you is serious about getting help let us know and we'll do what we can.

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