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Shift-key selection bug


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I have been using BitComet for many years, and across many computers. I have noticed the following bug as long as I can remember.

So you have multiple tasks open in BitComet, and want to delete some, or perform some action on them.

You hold the shift key and arrow up or down, to select a few.

The bug:

There seems to be a random maximum number of tasks that can be selected at once. Sometimes it is 8. Sometimes 4. Sometimes only 2. It is typically three or four.

You can select them all (Ctrl-A). You can select a whole bunch by holding Ctrl and clicking them..

The bug only seems to show up when you hold SHIFT and press the up or down arrow keys to select several tasks.

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I've noticed this quirk too, I think it's because of the way the tasks can be sorted different for each column that makes it difficult to select them this way. If you stop all tasks you can do it like this or as you mentioned you can hold down the ctrl key and click each one you want highlighted.

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