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Hi BitComet! I'm new so hello. :|

I have encountered a problem. My computer restarted by itself to install updates while BitComet was still downloading.

Not only the task at hand but all of them have disappeared! post-164409-0-30620700-1435645892.png So, I just need to know how to start them back up again. (The one I'm concerned about was, I think, about half way done). But it was a super huge file!

Windows 8.1

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It's okay. I already tried looking at this. I started the download again. Won't take too long now.

(However, I'm surprised because I had to do a force shut down because my screen was blank and not responding, but the file is downloading alright) :/

Thank you though.

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When bitcomet is shut down improperly it cannot save the downloads.xml file, but it's easy enough to restore it from a backup, or if you restart the tasks they will rehash existing partial or complete downloads to their previous state and continue.

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Plz help..I was downloading 36 Gb file,suddenly because of power failure my pc shut down and when i started bicomet again the task list was gone,my drive where i was downloading is 51.4Gb so i hash checked but the space is filled up and hash check cannot happen because hash checking another 36 GB makes it 72 Gb.What to do? I am using version 1.36.Plz help..I had done 78 %.

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  On 7/7/2015 at 2:41 AM, gswastikrazr said:

Plz help..I was downloading 36 Gb file,suddenly because of power failure my pc shut down and when i started bicomet again the task list was gone,my drive where i was downloading is 51.4Gb so i hash checked but the space is filled up and hash check cannot happen because hash checking another 36 GB makes it 72 Gb.What to do? I am using version 1.36.Plz help..I had done 78 %.

First thing, I seriously doubt you were downloading a 36gb file, if it was a torrent then it's a 36gb task, not a 36gb file. If you were trying to download a file that large using bitcomet's ftp/http download manager you would need server support in order to restart a broken download, but assuming it's a bittorrent task you can restart the task and hash check it before you start the download. If the partially downloaded files were in the proper location it will continue from your previous level. If you get a message that there is not enough disc space, open the task without starting the download before doing the hash check, or you can restore your last download.xml backup file and you won't have to add the task again.

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Yes it is not one file but a folder as you mentioned and yes the folder is there in proper location but how can i restore my downloads.xml back up file ?

I have found the location of the downloads.xml file after that what to do ? The downloads.xml file is there.

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bitcomet saves the seven most recent copies of your downloads.xml file named "downloads.xml.yyyyddmm.bak" (yyyy=year, mm=month, dd=day), select the most recent date from before the problem surfaced and rename it to downloads.xml, confirm that you want to replace existing downloads.xml file.

If you want to save your current downloads.xml for any reason you can rename it to some other unique name first.

All this information was located in the link that cassie posted above.

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