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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration


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Ever since the feds stepped in and forced isp's to block torrent sites.I am using a good vpn and I have changed my dns address but yet 95% of the movies I download with bit comet stop on 99.9% leaving an incomplete video file which is hard and time consuming to get the movies on dvd. I never had this problem after 10 years of using bit comet until after the feds made the isp's block torrent sites. Could that be causing the incomplete video downloads. I do not have any files under 10 MB TO ATTACH. Anyone else experiencing this issue ?

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Two possible reasons:

1:- Nobody has the complete file

2:- You aren't downloading all the list. If you omit some files, like the .nfo ones, it's possible that some parts of the main file overlap into those. The best thing is to download ALL files.

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