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Bitcomet slow down pc

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Using bitcomet for more than 10 years. Lately it started to consume so many pc resources that i cant even move mouse or listen to music when bitcomet is on (it stutter). But it uses only 25% of processor. It not always that way and sometimes it working normally.

I really dont want to use another torrent client. Pls help.

Edited by Shigimatsu (see edit history)
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@ Jonathan,

Ermmm... do yourself a favour... watch your language and lower your tone.

You come here to ask for help and that's fine...BUT... to come into the forum, provide no details about your setup, yelling (yeah, all in capital letters) and using non-family-oriented language, demanding aid from people that are willing to spend their free time gratuitously aiding others??? Well, that's just not going to happen.


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In addition to what Cassie said, check that your anti-virus isn't being hyper active. It could be scanning files, especially if you have a lot of fast downloads all needing to be scanned at the same time.

Your CPU usage is a bit on the high side - mine runs between 8 and 11 % on uploading. What may also help is an increase in pagefile - set it to a fixed value (roughly 2 - 2.5 times your physical RAM) by entering the value in the max and min values in settings. Defragging the drive also helps but make sure there are no other running apps while you view

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  On 10/26/2018 at 11:45 PM, cassie said:

@ Shigimatsu

Please read here , provide us with the required details, and tell us if any of your settings have changed (or if you've installed any new programs, etc., in your computer).


There is no topic there ... 




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But i didn't change anything anyway (Well new games does not count, i hope). It started, i think, when i installed new version of bitcomet, but when later i uninstalled it and installed earlier version it didn't help at all.

  On 10/27/2018 at 12:15 AM, Rhubarb said:

In addition to what Cassie said, check that your anti-virus isn't being hyper active. It could be scanning files, especially if you have a lot of fast downloads all needing to be scanned at the same time.

Your CPU usage is a bit on the high side - mine runs between 8 and 11 % on uploading. What may also help is an increase in pagefile - set it to a fixed value (roughly 2 - 2.5 times your physical RAM) by entering the value in the max and min values in settings. Defragging the drive also helps but make sure there are no other running apps while you view


Yea, first thing i thought about too. Anti-virus is off (avast) but nothing changes.

Page file on 4 physical disks 2 times Ram size on each so i don't think there should be a problem.

Edited by Shigimatsu (see edit history)
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" Page file on 4 physical disks "

Keep it on ONE drive - your system is chasing itself around trying to write to four drives at the same time

Run Task Manager and see what is running in the background

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  On 10/27/2018 at 7:18 AM, Rhubarb said:

Keep it on ONE drive - your system is chasing itself around trying to write to four drives at the same time


Tried it, nothing changed.

  On 10/27/2018 at 7:18 AM, Rhubarb said:

Run Task Manager and see what is running in the background


Well, there are many, many processes. What should i look for?

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  On 10/27/2018 at 11:59 PM, cassie said:

I am truly sorry... I goofed. I have just corrected it, should you (or anyone else) care to peruse it.


1) bitcomet 1.52
2) Optical Fiber
3) router Asus rt-n12, port forwarded
4) -
5) Win 7, avast antivirus
6) no


  On 10/27/2018 at 10:24 PM, Rhubarb said:

I would have no idea what may be running in the background on your machine - all you can do is to look at Task Manager and decide yourself (but do a full a/v scan first)


erm ... ok... tnx i guess...

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Have you tried increasing your disk cache size? The default size is very small to avoid consuming RAM memory that some members may not have available, but it will ease a lot of stress on your hard drive if you dedicate more memory to disk cache and your symptoms sound like it could be caused by a non-responsive disc.

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  On 10/31/2018 at 12:46 AM, The UnUsual Suspect said:

Have you tried increasing your disk cache size? The default size is very small to avoid consuming RAM memory that some members may not have available, but it will ease a lot of stress on your hard drive if you dedicate more memory to disk cache and your symptoms sound like it could be caused by a non-responsive disc.


Yes, it's 2 times my ram size.

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Are you talking about pagefile.sys  (set in system properties) or disk cache (set in Bitcomet options)?

Pagefile (or swapfile) should be round 2.5 times physical RAM and it's not the same as the Bictomet cache.

Even so, if your physical RAM is low, you will get stuttering when you try to multi-task

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  On 11/2/2018 at 12:24 AM, Rhubarb said:

Are you talking about pagefile.sys  (set in system properties) or disk cache (set in Bitcomet options)?


Ah, didn't know there was a difference ... Was talking about pagefile. Set max disk cache to 10240 mb. Should be enough i think. But it didn't helped.

  On 11/2/2018 at 12:24 AM, Rhubarb said:

Even so, if your physical RAM is low, you will get stuttering when you try to multi-task


I have 36 gb, so i don't  think this is where the problem.


And i forgot to mention, when i exit from bitcomet, there i big slowdown for a few seconds, even mouse lag.

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a 1GB cache is way too high - I run mine at 4/100 min/max. With 36 GB of RAM, you shouldn't need a huge pagefile really, but make sure that max and min values are identical (that stops it fragmenting).

Slow down on exit - remember that it has to write the unfinished tasks (and the cache) to the hard drive before exiting, so thaty could account for that

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  On 11/3/2018 at 11:46 AM, Rhubarb said:

Slow down on exit - remember that it has to write the unfinished tasks (and the cache) to the hard drive before exiting, so thaty could account for that


Slowdown occur even when no task running on bitcomet.

I get feeling like bitcomet do some kind of work from time to time. Because it can slow down when nothing downloaded and work fine when i download like different 10 files. And vice versa. Restart didnt change anything, if it was laggy - it stay laggy, if it wasnt - it wont.

I have really big torrent library. Is it possible that problem lies in it?

Edited by Shigimatsu (see edit history)
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  On 11/4/2018 at 2:32 PM, Rhubarb said:

It could if all files are set to upload - your connection will be running flat out and all files will be running at very slow rates (being split among others)


When i said laggy, i wasn't talking about downloading speed on torrents. I was talking about my mouse being laggy and not responsive.

And It happens even if all task are stopped.

  On 11/3/2018 at 4:27 PM, Shigimatsu said:

Slowdown occur even when no task running on bitcomet.



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For that to happen, something is hogging resources - you would need to check in Task Manager to see what is happening. If you altered a lot of settings in Bitcomet, maybe a clean install will fix the issue (using something like Revo Uninstaller ojn Bitcomet itself to clean out the registry, etc).

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