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[1.52] Can't continue seed or leech


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Hello BitComet team,


I recently updated BitComet 1.49 -> 1.52 (I regret it).

I haven't any problem with BitComet 1.49.

Now, with BitComet 1.52 I have a big bug with one tracker particurlarly : yggtorrent.to (tracker.ygg.is)

When I download a new torrent, all is good, I can leech, finish my download then seed my torrent. I can stop, and start again the task.


But, each time I close BitComet, when I start BitComet again, all my torrents from this tracker only, don't connect again from this tracker...

The event log of the torrent is : "No log found for this tracker"... there isn't any "Announce START : http://tracker.ygg.is"

Consequently, BitComet can't resume the download, or seeding the torrent...

If I delete the torrent, and download it again, the connexion of the tracker is OK, and BitComet connects from other peers...


I tried to uninstall BitComet 1.52 and go back to BitComet 1.49, but, oddly, BitComet has the same behavior... weirdly too, the line DHT IPv6 network is still present.


Thanks to fix quickly this bug.




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