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I use to download any movie on bitcomet, through it's submenu, torrent room, precisely, and it use to open a list of mirrors, or download links for the movie  I search for, but now when I type any movie in the torrent room, it doesn't take me to the torrent room page, wonder, is it restricted, or is there something that I must do in options to fix this issue, appreciate you help.

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It's probably because the website no longer exists - it's not part of bitcomet and BC has no control over external sites. There are othersearch engines,but you'll have to google for those

The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL

Unable to determine IP address from host name www.torrentroom.com

The DNS server returned:

Server Failure: The name server was unable to process this query.

This means that the cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL. Check if the address is correct.

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Dear Rhubarb, if your where referring to my post I appreciate, yes sir, I did manage to find another mean for download, it's called μTorrent Web, pretty sure you're familiar with, so, so far so good, there are always options😊


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