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BitComet use 100% of one core(2 logical processors) and cause my computer runing slow


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I am using a 4-cure 8-channel processor, somehow the process of BitComet only uses channels 0 and 2. It uses 100% of that core when downloading while the other cure is at ~10%. But most of the other process uses all the cures, so when one of the 4 cores is 100% used it drags everything slow down. I think it could be a setting issue in BitComet but I cannot find where to set it. Setting the processor affinity in eask manager does not do anything.


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  On 6/26/2022 at 7:10 AM, Rhubarb said:

CPU usage is normally handled by Windows. I wouldn't worry about it. Your transfer speed is handled by the router and LAN connection


I am not worried about it, I am suffering from the effect. When BitComet uses 100% on one core to process something when my download speed is high, everything else that uses all the cures gets stuck. I cannot change it in windows. If I stop that download, CPU usage will drop down right away. It's like one those old game from single core ages that doesn't know how to use the other core.

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As you can see in the picture. When I am not download or my download speed is low I can change which core/processors to use for BitComet. I choosed 4567 so in the first helf those had higher usage. When my download speed gets up over 3 MB/s core 1(processors 0 and 2) start take over all the load and runs at 100% while processors 4567 dropped down to back ground app level.


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As I said, CPU usage is a windows function

So long as download works at a respectable speed (depending on your ISP limits) it's nothing you need to concern yourself with

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