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32 bit or 64 bit


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I am currently using an old version of BitComet and when I run BitComet the 32 bit version program runs.

I tested a new BitComet version like 2.04 and 2.05. Now if I run the 32 bit version program it will nag an say that the stability of the program will decrease due to a ram limitation and it says that i should use the 64 bit version program. Why is it nagging me in the new versions to use the 64 bit version program? It's not nagging me in the old versions.

Which is better? The 32 bit version program or the 64 bit version program?

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32 bit format has a RAM limitation of 4 GB while a 64 bit system limits are 16 EB (Exabytes )

To put that in perspective - 1 Exabyte is 1024 Petabytes which, in turn is 1024 Terabytes - roughly 17 BILLION Gigabytes.

In short, if you have more than 4 GB or RAM, you should use the 64 bit version

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