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Ranking is going down on BitComet (64-bit) 2.05


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On the BitComet (64-bit) 2.05, the Ranking is going down at each time when I am connected in. 
My ranking is going down, was 9092, but now is 8978, it is going down at each time when I am connected with BitComet, even if I download over 100GB daily.
I don't know, why the Ranking on CometID among worldwide users is going down? 
How I can manage this matter?
Can someone give any explication, please. 
Any help will high appreciate.
Thank you!

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Anything over 1 GB doesn't count - what does count in your case is time online when signed in (if you aren't signed in, your score won't go up)

You do know that a ranking of 8978 is actually HIGHER than 9092 - don't you? It's your position in the listing and the lower the number, the higher your rank. The highest position is number 1 - your ranking means that there are 8977 people ahead of you (and a LOT more behind)

The 'score' is the other figure which should increase - it's the number of points you have earned (to a maximum of 110 points per day)

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