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divice token failed/cannot sign in BitComet application

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I can't sign in BitComet (64-bit) v2.11 application.
I have in my BitComet account a message 'DEVICE_TOKEN_FAILED'. 
Can this be the wrong connection with my device and signing in to BitComet? How I can solve this matter?
Any advice will be helpful, please.
Thank you 

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Ho un problema simile.
Lancio il programma BitComet (64-bit) v2.11, che funziona regolarmente, ma non riesce a fare il riconoscimento del mio Id. La procedura continua la ricerca senza risultato.
Nel mio account BitComet ho un messaggio 'DEVICE_TOKEN_FAILED'. 
La connessione al sito ed al forum avviene regolarmente, ed anche l'up/down dei programmi, ma non accede alla cronologia della partitura.
Che succede? E cosa posso fare?

I have a similar problem.
I launch the BitComet (64-bit) v2.11 program, which works normally, but is unable to recognize my ID. The procedure continues the search without result.
In my BitComet account I have a 'DEVICE_TOKEN_FAILED' message. 
The connection to the site and the forum occurs regularly, as does the up/down of the programs, but it does not access the history of the score.
What happens? And what can I do?
Thank you.

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