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Fast download no upload?

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It might been asked before on this forum but I couldnt find it so I made a new topic..

I got ADSL 8mbit, I download stuff in about 850kb/s but the problem is I dont get any upload speed at all (It's stuck at 0kb/s).... why is it like that ? Do I need to open any port or something in my router or what?

Thanks in advance

// Lommen

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Do all your torrents run like that?

That is a very fast download speed, not often seen with bit torrent.

It could be that there were no peers to upload to, only seeders (peers with 100%)

If there are peers and you cannot upload, then you surely have a problem. What is strange is that bit torrent protocal will reduce the download rate to peers that arn't providing upload, so your story is unique.


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Do all your torrents run like that?

That is a very fast download speed, not often seen with bit torrent.

It could be that there were no peers to upload to, only seeders (peers with 100%)

If there are peers and you cannot upload, then you surely have a problem. What is strange is that bit torrent protocal will reduce the download rate to peers that arn't providing upload, so your story is unique.


I think it's very strange I must admit, every torrent is like that.. and when I talk with friends that download the same thing they have like full upload speed... so I dont get it really? hehe

I wanna be a seeder :huh:

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I have asked one of our admin to review this post, as there must be a serious problem here.

If you are not uploading, the tracker should slow your download to almost nothing. I don't know if it is in fact uploading, but not registering in your client, or if something else has gone wrong here.


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First do you have a router? If so then goto www.portforward.com to get guides on configureing it.

Now on to BC, follow our settings guide (link in my sig). But do not mess with your tcpip.sys file aka patching XP-SP2 limit. This can cause even more problems.

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If you are not uploading, the tracker should slow your download to almost nothing.

Hmm, I did want to point out that this isn't quite correct, and indicates a misconception. The tracker isn't in control of, well, much of anything except swarm membership of that tracker. It is not the tracker that slows things down. Trackers are very simple beasts, and they have nothing to do with bittorrent transfers as such.

All of the piece transfers are directly from one client to another client. The tracker doesn't control them, or know that they happened, or get involved in any way. Important to understand this: transfers of pieces go from your client to my client directly. They do not go from your client to the tracker, and then to my client. The tracker is not involved.

Later, your client reports to the tracker how much it has uploaded and downloaded, but not to whom. Later, my client does the same. This happens during every tracker scrape. But the tracker never knows or has any way to learn, that you transferred anything to me, or I to you. And if you think about that, aren't you glad that's so!?

It is other clients that slow things down for the one which isn't uploading. If one client has no pieces it will offer to trade, all of the others will snub that client in favor of others who will offer some.

I got ADSL 8mbit, I download stuff in about 850kb/s but the problem is I dont get any upload speed at all (It's stuck at 0kb/s).... why is it like that ? Do I need to open any port or something in my router or what?

This is pretty strange. My first take on it would be a software firewall blocking BitComet outbound. You should definitely check that. Using more than one firewall often creates messes like this.

But if it were happening, then yes, your download speed should be pretty awful absent a whole lot of seeders in the swarm.

Have you tried seeding a torrent yourself? That would be a good experiment.

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Hey guys! First post here. I am having the same problem. My downloads are maxing out, but my uploads are pretty much stuck at 0 or at best 2 to 7 k. The wierd thing is, is that it only seems to be happening with torrents from one site. I have tried from a different sight and everything appears to be ok??? :blink:

If someone comes up with a answer to this i would be much appreciated and thatks for a great program!

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Arh Sorry for my late reply.

This is very interesting indeed. I would base my guess on that the torrent you're downloading is fully-seeded...

However, just to be sure, please do check your OutBound Ports for BitComet + Allow access for BitComet to the internet. If you can, could you hop onto MSN, or any other file-sharer software, and see if you can send a file/program to someone else online.



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Hey guys! First post here. I am having the same problem. My downloads are maxing out, but my uploads are pretty much stuck at 0 or at best 2 to 7 k. The wierd thing is, is that it only seems to be happening with torrents from one site. I have tried from a different sight and everything appears to be ok??? :blink:

If someone comes up with a answer to this i would be much appreciated and thatks for a great program!

Apologies in advance as this isn't going to be very factual or scientific. I'm noticing the same thing.

I've just reformatted and gone from version 0.59 to version 0.70. I'm on 1.5 / 256 adsl. I've left the BC settings mostly at default. Set my global upload limit to 19. Port fowarding and firewall settings are ok far as I know. I only use public trackers.

If anything my download speeds have improved with the latest version of the client. I can routinely max out my connection when downloading. The uploading behaviour is very strange and not what I used to see on version 0.59.

With some torrents I see I'm connected to peers and should be uploading, but I send very little or no data (0 KB). It seems to fluctuate wildly, sometimes rising to 18KB, then dropping to 0, sometimes disconnecting. Note this torrent only has 12 peers, but I'd have thought that if i'm connected to a couple of them I'd be uploading to my maxium setting. The peers i'm connected to aren't at 100%.

Some torrents seem to behave pretty normal. I'm not sure if there is a problem, but after using version 0.59 for a year or so, it seems weird.

Can anyone explain "Intelligent Rate Control-optimize the upload distribution in order to get the max download rate" feature (from the BC homepage)? Is it related to this behaviour?

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