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PC hangs every time I close Bitcomet


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Hi there. Can someone please help me. I am running Bitcomet 0.7 on Windows ME OS. It runs fine but whenever I shut down Bitcomet, my pc hangs after 3 to 5 seconds or so. As a result I have to power off each time and it really messes up my computer. I've searched the forum but cant seem to find a similar topic. Any helpful advice will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance

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You can try to stop all tasks 20 sec before quit BC and use exit toolbar button for exit BC. Also you can try to uncheck the options in the options :) for minimizing to system tray, close to system tray, start minimized, auto start BC on win startup, autoresume tasks on BC startup, show welcome page and show intro view, enabel balloon tray notification, add torrentmake to contex menu at runtime, check for updates at startup; check avoid system entering suspend mode when task is running.

But still the only good advice is to remove this buggy Anti-OS Windows Millenium and install XP. Even Windows 98 will be better insted of ME.

hangs after 3 to 5 seconds

not for..

Edited by dimchopicha2003 (see edit history)
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0.7 hva too much problem need to fix, I recommand that you down load

new beta, is not too FAST either, but at last is NEVER discontinued


0.7 get too soon to stop the tracker or somehow the program

incounter someTHINGS that certainly stop the tracker....and it like:

you got 1mb cable, and after you see your download around 200~up

you get happy, and , 1 hour later, it sappy and turn everything to ZERO and will not

come back the speed only if I switch my friewall and resume it again.

p.s:switch firewall is not help, I must open and close and waste time in mid-night??!

flag get problem too I guess, because I saw someone else talk about it.

and firewall, well, it is crap for XP SP2, SP2 set limit for it(10..sadly, is 10) and

I guess you must crack it for more speed.(I use SP1)

switch firewall?

I got onboard firewall, it looks fancy, but it end-up my nervs.....

JUST STICK my finger to the fan and trash those useless junk!!!

ok....I don't want to get too mad....

pick a port you like, suck like 19827 etc etc.....in bitcomet

and allow the port to linkout/in

and, need little bless from COMPUTER-GOD:THE ALLMIGHTY LAGGER~

YES!!!THE LAGGER,I find out it with my asian friends.

if LAGGER SAID:that's be lighten, and I guranteed that you will not see a fast speed.....becuase lag said it.

and if he said that's be fast, and I guranteed you will hate him if you use comcast :o

after all.....that the light be with you....

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  dimchopicha2003 said:

You can try to stop all tasks 20 sec before quit BC and use exit toolbar button for exit BC. Also you can try to uncheck the options in the options :) for minimizing to system tray, close to system tray, start minimized, auto start BC on win startup, autoresume tasks on BC startup, show welcome page and show intro view, enabel balloon tray notification, add torrentmake to contex menu at runtime, check for updates at startup; check avoid system entering suspend mode when task is running.

But still the only good advice is to remove this buggy Anti-OS Windows Millenium and install XP. Even Windows 98 will be better insted of ME.

not for..

Thank you all who responded. Special thamks to dimchopicha for the tip. It seems to be working. Im keeping my fingers crossed.

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