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Can anyone pls tell me wat is the "socket start interval(ms)" and "max half-open TCP connections" under advance>connection for and wat is the best settings for it if i am using an internet connection capable of download speeds of up to 6.5Mbps (6,500Kbps) and upload speeds of up to 384Kbps ?

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max half-open TCP connections should be set at 8 by default, and that setting is fine. This should only be set on 5-8. This has to deal with TCP/IP security in Windows and connection performance.

As for the sockets, off hand I don't know. I'll have to look at it.

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Socket start interval is the delay between opening one connection and opening the next. On some systems it matters because this will invoke throttling, due to viral behaviour that opens as many connections as it can, as fast as it can. (That's also the reason for limiting half-open connections at all.)

You don't generally need to change either of these from the default values, and should not without a good and specific reason to do so. Changing them won't help your speed, but it can, in certain specific situations, prevent being slowed down by systems that think you're a virus.

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