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Seeing Individual File Progress


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I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, I only looked at the first page of suggestions, so I appologize if it was.

I also have moved over from Azureus (sp?), and only miss one feature that it had. It had the ability to look at the different files within a torrent, and tell you the % of completion for each file. For example, if I download a torrent with 10 files inside it, it would let me know that it's downloaded 75% of the first file, and 12% of the 2nd, etc. Rather than just the 8% (or whatever) of the whole torrent. This is helpful if the individual files are usable completely seperate of one another (such as ebooks or videos or whatever).

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lol, scratch that, I guess bitcomet has what I need :).

For those of you wonderin the same thing, there is a files link on the bottom half when you have a torrent selected (I must have missed it because it was right out in the open).

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