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Problems driver_irql_not_less_or_equal


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I've got bluescreen after 10-15 minutes when I using BitComet with following message.


Stop:0x000000D1(0x00000038, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0xEBCDCAB6)

NvTcp.sys-address EBC0CAB6 base at Ebc0A000; datestamp 4253b85b

Can someone tell me what to do?


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Can someone tell me what to do?

here what you need to do:

1.open your browser.

2.write in the address field:http://www.google.com.

3.press enter

4.write in the google's search bar:nvtcp.sys.

5.open the first site you find.


P.S. this is the most usefull advice you can get. if you learn to do this everytime you have problems your problems will be solved in 99% of the time - by you if you search, read, learn.

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From my personal experience this problem occurs when you have an outdated driver for a device in your system.

Since this problem occurs after you run Bitcomet, it might be the driver for your modem/router/ethernet adapter (depending on what you use to have internet access).

But the previous post was right, you should first check with google for this problem. You will probably find more accurate info about your problem! ;)

Good luck!

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