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I cant connected. My RC is behind a proxy server I know his name the gate the user name and password. The member Klueros wrote me: "You don't need DHT to download. It's simply a trackerless method of finding more peers, and is indeed frequently disabled on some torrents. Nice to have sometimes, but utterly unnecessary. Just as well, because it generally won't work with most proxies. The DHT network uses UDP only, which most proxies don't support or forward." but he did tell me what i sould do. So i want more instructions. Thank you

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Ignore the DHT message -- in fact, disable DHT in your preferences, since you won't be able to use it and it will just be a distraction.

Instead, look at your torrents, and at the trackers tab. This will tell you the status of the connections that do matter. It they're working fine, your good. If they're not, DHT wouldn't help anyway.

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