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Invisible Downloads

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My BitComet has been acting really weird lately.

I could have for example 3 torrents on and the total download rate for these 3 torrents would be something like 20kb/s.

However, the total download rate recorded on the BitComet client would show something like 50kb/s. I've double checked this with the Statistics menu of the client and it tallies at 50kb/s.

My question is, what is my BitComet downloading that isn't showing? Why is there an extra 30kb/s worth of downloads that I do not know about?

This problem exists for both my downloads and uploads.

This "bug" has been causing me to have really slow download rates lately and when I have a lot of torrents running at once, a lot of them will be stucked at "Connecting...". Please help.

This isn't a DHT Network problem as my DHT Network is Disabled.

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"Why don't you try looking through our settings guide."

I don't see how this will be solve my problem. (Well, if I was a computer idiot then maybe it would, but no)

Yes, I've already forwarded my router's port and set my firewall to bypass the port.

And now back the problem. The thing is, this has never happened to me before. It only occured recently when I tried downloading A LOT of torrents at once with this newest version.

P.S. A LOT was close to 100 torrents.

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He might be seeing what I am also seeing. BitComet at this moment claims to be uploading 42Kbs. But my network monitor says that all of my outbound traffic combined totals 18Kbs. My current actual upload limit of my broadband is 28-29Kbs most of the time.

I'm currently running beta build 20090816 if that answers any questions. BitComet 0.70 does not exhibit this behavior.

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  benyahuda said:

He might be seeing what I am also seeing. BitComet at this moment claims to be uploading 42Kbs. But my network monitor says that all of my outbound traffic combined totals 18Kbs. My current actual upload limit of my broadband is 28-29Kbs most of the time.

I'm currently running beta build 20090816 if that answers any questions. BitComet 0.70 does not exhibit this behavior.

Weird, my Bitcomet 0.70's the one exhibiting this behaviour. I was hoping the beta versions might have solved it but I guess not.

As for not running too many torrents at once, I live in south-east asia and it is impossible for me to reach optimum dl speed running just a few torrents. Since most seeders are living no where near me and can only provide a very low ul speed for me.

I can easily reach dl speeds of 1000+kb/s from some good ftp sites (eg. Blizzard) with my connection. And I like seeing a speed similar to that for my total download speed on BitComet.

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It's an admittedly minor point, but DHT could not possibly be an issue in this whether active or not. DHT merely finds peers. That's all it does. When those peers are found, they are handed to the Bittorrent client where they become just like any other peer found in any other way, and DHT's job is done, so it goes to sleep for 20 minutes, then wakes up and looks for peers again. All transferring to and from peers is handled by Bittorrent, not by DHT, using normal TCP transfers. (There's quite a bit of ignorance and misunderstanding being perpetuated about what DHT is and does.)

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I used to only have this problem when I enabled DHT network in the previous versions of BitComet.

EDIT: I understand what you are saying and theoretically speaking DHT network isn't causing this. But there might be some programming errors or sorts related to this that is causing the issue.

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  ProdigyX said:

downloading A LOT of torrents at once

P.S. A LOT was close to 100 torrents.

Please... Please... PLEASE...

This is VERY bad for everyone that you are doing this.

You said in an earlier post that your download is maxing at 50kB/s, which means your upload is likely much less.

If this is correct, I would NEVER run more then ONE torrent at a time.

To run so many you are becoming a HORRIBLY bad peer (sorry, but there is no kind way to say this)

I'm replying to your post in hopes that you truely don't understand what this does to torrents, so hopefully you we receive this a my genuine attempt to offer some knowledge.

The biggest problem facing bit torrent is connecting to peers that do not upload a reasonable amount of data. I will not run a torrent if I can't give it at least 30kB/s, but most have at least twice that.

Even so, this is divided among several peers.

Now, assuming you might have a max upload of 10kB/s, so if you are uploading to only ten peers, that is only 1kB/s per peer (very low).

If you run ten torrents, then 0.1kB/s per peer

100 torrents... 0.01kB/s per peer (assuming your not set to a crazy high number of upload connections, could even be worse.

Any experianced user is going to see this pattern, and block your ip address from connections (I sure would, sorry to say).


ps. I hope this is received well, as I am trying to be polite... :)

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I have the same problem! The torrents are actually downloading speed is about 20kb/s, but bitcomet says the total is eg. 35kb/s. And my PC has been acting wierd after that, like the internet connection keeps breaking for the web browsers, but bitcomet's downloads are still going... And now, after about 2 hours of opening bitcomet, my system freezes.... I think I have a virus or something...

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Often, when I (re-) start a torrent seeding, I'll see that BitComet is downloading at something like 4kb/sec, for about 10 seconds. There's no more of the torrent to download - so is this just tracker communication? I would have assumed that tracker communication would only require a seriously small amount of data to be downloaded, not the hundred or so KB which I can infer (from BitComet telling me that I'm downloading at a few kb/sec, for about 10 secs).

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