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linksys router & wieless card

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have Linksys WRT54G router on the hard wire to primary computer and Bitcomet works great!! BUT I have Linksys wireless ethernet card on secondary computer and DHT node will not connect [/size] tried all the usual things,,I think.Can someone HELP me....What do I have to change to get Bitcomet to work on my second computer on the wireless card?? I want to stay with Bitcomet because it's the one client I know..Don't want to have to switch clients.PLEASE help! P.S. They are netwoked together with a program called Network Magic.It also seems to work fine.

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First, you DO NOT NEED DHT in order to use Bittorrent. It's a nice extra, even though it's often disabled by private torrents, but it is absolutely unnecessary, and there are many Bittorrent clients which do not support it and work very well. The placement is unfortunate in BitComet because it seems way more important than it actually is.

Second, this usually means that you have a firewall blocking UDP on the listen port. Many have set up a firewall rule allowing TCP, which is good and necessary for Bitcomet to work well, but they don't set a rule for UDP, which DHT relies upon.

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