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DHT network does not start (Bitcomet 0.60)

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Can´t get my DHT to start while using the client, had to reinstall it after an crash, it worked before but i dunno what the problem is now :( many of my downloads goes faster while using the DHT and i´m also using it while sharing between two computers only.

Have I missed some?


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First, you do not need the DHT network in order to use Bittorrent. Many clients that don't support it at all work very well. Second, DHT merely finds additional peers. That is all that it does. It does not, can not, affect your transfer rate because it has nothing whatever to do with downloading or uploading the torrent content.

DHT is nice to have if you're not getting enough peers from the tracker, but it is absolutely not necessary.

The usual reason it doesn't connect is because the client's listen port is blocked for UDP packets. Make certain your firewall rules allow them.

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