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VERY slow downloads

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Have a look under our "Configuration & User Settings" Sub-topic in the BitComet FAQ, it may assist your issue.

As always, like any other torrent-related forum, we can't diagnose every single issue as to why your speed is slow.

Though the most general answer is because the torrent you're downloading is from a public tracker, and such torrents tend to be poorly seeded, it could also be that there aren't alot of peers downloading the same torrent as you are.

The Health of your torrent is an excellent indication, the lower it is, the lower your speed will be. i.e. less than 400% or so.

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Please read the settings guide, and be sure your router is configured properly.

If you have a router of course. In fact we have no idea what you have since your post contained almost no information.

If you have any specific questions, please give as much info as possible.


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not how to fix it so please dont get all high and mighty on me.

Since you don't want me to get all high and might by offering help I won't. And to partially answer your question, there are a ton of factors that dictate the speed of a .torrent. But you don't want help with that. When you're ready to get help come ask. If we decide not to act high and mighty we'll answer you. :P

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I don't know anyone who has an internet speed of 100mb/s.

It is likely that your "lan" operates at 100mb/s, but most broadband speed is 1-10 mb/s.

Some countries have slightly faster service availble, while others offer only lesser services.

If you are unsure, then contact your isp, or run a speed test (many sites offer this, google can find you some links)


PS. I'm not sure if I offended you or not, but did not intend to. But your post did contain almost no info.

and as for what speeds other are getting. I have broadband speed of 8mb/s and my torrents run upto 700kB/s (if very healthy) and most seem to be around 50-100 kB/s. Every so often I get stuck with a rotten torrent that runs slow (mostly cause of peers running too many torrents).

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