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DHT issuse with 0.70


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First, in your software firewall did you configure it to allow BitComet full incoming & out going connections aka server access? Did you set it to allow DHT & UDP connecionts on that port? What software firewall are you running?

Now as for your router, do is have a built in firewall?

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i have indeed allowed te prorgra in norton internet security 2005 and am unsure if the routuer does its a d-link-524 but now that i am concidering it that may be the problem. but as for the port & DHT UPD i am unsure of how to set that up effectively. ( in norton).

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as for your dlink router, dlink refers to forwarding your ports as "virtual server".

You will need to make a virtual server for each computer that is running bit comet.

It's also important to set a static ip address in windows (or you may need to update your virtual server each time you reboot)

As for the members who upgraded to newer versions of bit comet, I suggest you delete your firewall rules concerning bit comet, and make a new one, as your firewall may be allowing your old bit comet, but not recognising the new one.


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