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Translators Wanted


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Currently, we plan to expand the BitComet client to as many languages as humanly possible.

Soon, we may implement a system like that of Microsoft's language packs, where users who want our translated client will need to download the language pack, and stick into BitComet's directory.

But for this to work, we'll need translators to help translate the whole client.

If you're interested to help us out, please post within this topic which language you would like to translate to.

--Translation Project Beta-- Last Updated 28th Sep, 2006

Overview: We will allow 2 users (this way any slang, etc can be verified) to be translators for a single language. Users will be given a separate account in which they can download a .xml file which can be translated with ease to your native language. Once it's translated it'll be listed together with the BitComet Client as Language Packs.

Each member is entitled to translating only 1 language (Unless if you have the time to work with another Translator Team). But for now, I'll gather as many users as I can for any language other than the completed ones.

Language - Percentage Completed - User(s) Translating that Language

English - 100%

Chinese (Traditional & Simplified) - 100%

Spanish - 0.00% - cassie, Rainierman

Romanian - 0.00% - dawin45, h***-knight

Arabic - 0.00% - ahmad_hania, amr diab

French - 0.00% - LpubV, ajitpardeshi

Hindi - 0.00% - ajitpardeshi, Ahmad

Maltese- 0.00% - barlet

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Hello ! :)

Although I can still be considered a "noobie" (and, heaven knows that I try my best to understand all of the jargon that I read, each time I enter the forum), I was pleasantly surprised to find this posting... that you are trying to translate BC to different languages.

This shows that this is, indeed, a very open-minded community :D ...unlike others that I've seen where, if you don't speak English, "too bad" !! :angry:

Even though, as I said, I'm not an "ace" with the technical terms (specially when they're abbreviated), I'd like to offer my help, if I can, with translations from English to Spanish and vice-versa.

I've never done any "work" for any forum, but I'm completely bilingual and, I've been doing translations for many years, in my private life.

If I can be of any help to "our" forum, in this field, just let me know and I'll do my best :) :)


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Hi Cassie,

Yes, we could use your help here.

Our devellopment team might also be able to use your help with the bit comet client, so I'm sure they will contact you if your help is required.

I currently have a translator for our forum to help with french members, so if your willing to translate messages to and from members in spanish, this will be great.


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I can translate into Maltese though I do not see the point in it since English is our second language and literally all users can speak English to some extent or other.


  Soraiya said:

Currently, we plan to expand the BitComet client to as many languages as humanly possible.

Soon, we may implement a system like that of Microsoft's language packs, where users who want our translated client will need to download the language pack, and stick into BitComet's directory.

But for this to work, we'll need translators to help translate the whole client.

If you're interested to help us out, please post within this topic which language you would like to translate to.

--Translation Project Beta--

Overview: We will allow at maximum of 2 users to be translators for a single language. Users will be given a separate account in which they can download a .xml file which can be translated with ease to your native language. Once it's translated it'll be listed together with the BitComet Client as Language Packs.

Language - Percentage Completed - User(s) Translating that Language

English - 100%

Chinese (Traditional & Simplified) - 100%

Spanish - 0.00% - cassie

Romanian - 0.00% - dawin45

Arabic - 0.00% - ahmad_hania

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I think that if you want good translations to be made, 2 or more ppl from different countries should work on one language (if possible), to avoid as much as "slang" words (words used almost only in one country) as possible.

I NEVER download (or at least not on purpose...) programs in Spanish, because the terms are words that are never used (or rarely) and are somehow unnacurate. 2 people can make sure they don't use words the other partner doesn't find fitting.

Well just to mention that. I think you should have that in mind when choosing teams, it could mean a better translation in overall.

I am a newcomer and even if this is my first post outside the Suggestions Board, I think I could help. I am from Venezuela, the spanish there doesn't have any strong accents like ppl from Argentina or Spain (which I noticed cassie is from). Well if you need one more person to work in the spanish translation, I could help XD

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hi! Soraya,

hi! to all,

I pop up in this forum upon The UnUsual Suspect invitation

I already translated your tutorial regarding BitComet in French

I'm available and have some time to translate BitComet client in French

keep me posted about the procedure

best regards


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Thank you all for your support, I've added all your names into the above list.

Thanks Rainier for the advice, that's exactly what I was thinking as well, since languages may incorporate slang, etc.

@barlet: Yes, most people do indeed speak English, however in Asia & the Middle East, English isn't really considered a pre-requisite to communicating.

Our client being one of the first to translate Japanese + our own Japanese BitComet support Forum, we were able to gain alot of Japanese torrent users.

When we iniatiate this Project I'll send an E-mail to all users with instructions.

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Hi Vecna,

Ahh thank you, you must familiar with xml alterations already. I was planning on either providing a raw xml template for users to manually translate everything (i.e. similar to your format), but I wasn't sure if it would be convenient.

Still um, I'll try and reach Aimee, this Project should start soon. Translators will be placed in a special group.

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  Rainierman said:

I think that if you want good translations to be made, 2 or more ppl from different countries should work on one language (if possible), to avoid as much as "slang" words (words used almost only in one country) as possible.

I NEVER download (or at least not on purpose...) programs in Spanish, because the terms are words that are never used (or rarely) and are somehow unnacurate. 2 people can make sure they don't use words the other partner doesn't find fitting.

Well just to mention that. I think you should have that in mind when choosing teams, it could mean a better translation in overall.

I am a newcomer and even if this is my first post outside the Suggestions Board, I think I could help. I am from Venezuela, the spanish there doesn't have any strong accents like ppl from Argentina or Spain (which I noticed cassie is from). Well if you need one more person to work in the spanish translation, I could help XD

Thank you for your offer to help in spanish language.

If you have any suggestions for cassie's translations here in the forum, feel free to send them to her, or myself, and I'm sure she would consider changing/adapting to make the posts easier to understand by all dialects.


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Well, I'm new and I've just discovered BitComet few days ago.

I'm French, and I offer you the opportunity to translate your software in French.

I've already started and the language file is at about 75% of all translation.

However, i have a request : it is the authorization to publish this language file in a french customization website.

If you are ok, let me know in order to finish fastly the translation, and then mail you the file.

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  Ikonic said:


Well, I'm new and I've just discovered BitComet few days ago.

I'm French, and I offer you the opportunity to translate your software in French.

I've already started and the language file is at about 75% of all translation.

However, i have a request : it is the authorization to publish this language file in a french customization website.

If you are ok, let me know in order to finish fastly the translation, and then mail you the file.


I can't speak for the developers, nor your offer to translate the client, but we have a newly setup section in the forum for french speaking members. It is Moderated by LpubV, and you are more then welcome to post, discuss the client, or any subject you like there. It is new, so not very active yet, but if we start getting alot of requests for support we may need more translators, but thank you for your offer.


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  Soraiya said:

Soon, we may implement a system like that of Microsoft's language packs, where users who want our translated client will need to download the language pack, and stick into BitComet's directory.

But for this to work, we'll need translators to help translate the whole client.

If you're interested to help us out, please post within this topic which language you would like to translate to.

--Translation Project Beta-- Last Updated 28th Sep, 2006

Overview: We will allow 2 users (this way any slang, etc can be verified) to be translators for a single language. Users will be given a separate account in which they can download a .xml file which can be translated with ease to your native language. Once it's translated it'll be listed together with the BitComet Client as Language Packs.

Each member is entitled to translating only 1 language (Unless if you have the time to work with another Translator Team). But for now, I'll gather as many users as I can for any language other than the completed ones.

Language - Percentage Completed - User(s) Translating that Language

English - 100%

Chinese (Traditional & Simplified) - 100%

Spanish - 0.00% - cassie, Rainierman

Romanian - 0.00% - dawin45, h***-knight

Arabic - 0.00% - ahmad_hania, amr diab

French - 0.00% - ajitpardeshi

Hindi - 0.00% - ajitpardeshi

Maltese- 0.00% - barlet

I can translate 2 Swedish and Danish!! Mvh. DKocken

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