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Translators Wanted


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  jose317 said:

I'm trying to create an account, but the chinnesse window keeps coming. How do I solve this basic 101 issue.

Oooops... did you, perhaps, not realize that you posted in the wrong forum? :rolleyes:

Please try to post in the appropiate forum, in the future.

Also, please tell us which version of BitComet you are using. The latest STABLE version is .70.

There is a place in the forum for posts regarding any newer (non-stable) versions, if this is your case.


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  • 1 month later...

The major translation need is not for the *client*, which is a separate task handled elsewhere, but for the *forum*, to support people in multiple languages.

If you want to try your hand at it, a good place to start is with translating the various FAQ's and guides. The intermediate format is plain text, ultimately with appropriate HTML markup. (Output shoud be text, not html)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Caldera said:

Wrong translations for Swdish bitcomet 0,80 end 0,81??

Correct translations for Swdish bitcomet 0,79 why ???


Thank you for letting us know about this issue. If you would be kind enough to write a report (in English) detailing the errors of the translation, I will see that the developers get it.

Thank you,

The Bit Comet Team

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  The UnUsual Suspect said:

Thank you for letting us know about this issue. If you would be kind enough to write a report (in English) detailing the errors of the translation, I will see that the developers get it.

Thank you,

The Bit Comet Team


The Swedish languages files mistake for another (a different translation)

The task is no easy one,because not a word is in swedish.

Thank you,

Caldera Sweden.

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I saw that the swedish language in the latest version 0.81 is NOT swedish. It has been before so maybe something went wrong when linking to it. Anyway if you do need a swedish translator I'll can be at your service.

Thanx anyway for a great job with this superb torrent client


Lars Wallstrom :)

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Ok, I now understand that the Swedish language file was missing, or switched with a different language file on the versions .80 and .81.

I will speak to the developers regarding this as soon as possible. I can't promise how soon that will be (communications are still difficult due to earthquake damage), nor how soon a fix will be issued.

Another Idea I have is to use the swedish language file from an older version. I could try this myself, but not understanding the language, I would have no idea if it was working properly.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there i know my language isnt around much but we are , lol, so if u need a Dutch translator count me in.

I would feel proud to be able to help u out Unusual Suspect :D :D

the more :mbounce: can understand whats it about the more seeders will come.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Romanian Translation for BitComet version 0.94 and later. Right-click and choose "Save Target As" (in Internet Explorer) to download the file.

The translation was revised on october 9, 2007 and is based on the english language file present in BitComet 0.94. It is 100% complete and contains diacritics (UTF-8 encoding).


Traducere in romana pentru BitComet versiunea 0.94 si urmatoarele. Faceti clic-dreapta si alegeti "Save Target As" (in Internet Explorer) pentru a descarca fisierul.

Traducerea a fost revizuita pe 9 octombrie 2007 si e bazata pe fisierul de limba engleza din BitComet 0.94. Este 100% completa si contine diacritice (codare UTF-8).

Romanian.zipFetching info...

Edited by muntealb (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
  DKocken said:
I can translate 2 Swedish and Danish!! Mvh. DKocken

Hi - ditto here - i would love to help in any small way to translate from English - Swedish, being English myself and having lived in Sweden for 30 years, i think i can help :rolleyes:


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