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BC 0.71: no trackers/torrents work anymore


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I just 'upgraded' to the new version, and none of the Torrents in my list work anymore.

Meaning: I cant seed anymore or download new Torrents.

The errors differ per site, but 2 I get:

1) Tracker Response:torrent not registered with this tracker

2) Tracker returne Zero Length Response

This happens with both trying to download something new, and trying to seed which I have already downloaded.

Reverting back to 0.70 solves the problem.

And yes, the Advanced options are gone (such as task specific UP&DOWN speeds), and you can't Pause or Resume anymore.

And also when you start the client, you get a Q if you want to install the Chinese language pack...?

Why these changes? 1st of all, the Client is 100% useless now, and even if it would work, it would have LESS options...???

Sounds like a downgrade to me...

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i agreed with him.

i checked the peers tab on the left side.

it is said many of the peers were dead?

what was happening?

i was trying to download A FILE but over 48hours still not finish?

one more thing,

is there automatically put highest priority to the download file since there is no more option?

really confused...

pls fix it

and thank you.



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