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high throughput but low efficientcy, high error rate

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I found many torrent file download in bitcomet 0.68 client, had high throughput rate nearly maximium bandwidth but it slowly percentage progress. In low efficientcy download,it has high error rate and has Error in Tracker Response as "unregistered torrent in Tracker".

Anyway I had send picture of my problem for discuss. In picture it show it will finish in 3 hour and 22 minutes but I found with it error rate if download full time 3 days, I still can not finish this file. :blink: :blink: :blink:

Please suggest me how to solve this problem. thanks for help. :rolleyes:








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Listen up, in the IP Properties, disable Lan IP Reporting & IPfilter.

If you're getting a lot of rubbish data or hash fails you should try Peer Guardian 2, its free and does a great job. This program will block a lot of known bad IP addresses & ranges.

When installing it you should use these 3 lists, p2p, spyware, & adaware. You don't want to block people using their college lans. Don't use any of the lists from bluetack. Their lists are bloated among other things.

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Whoa that's awfully alot of Rubbish Data there. Yeah...try out Dark Shroud's advice!

>< Aww I should create a FAQ topic here soon....

Btw, @Jupitor:

has Error in Tracker Response as "unregistered torrent in Tracker".

This means that your torrent is off a private Bittorrent community, you'll need to register at that torrent community, so as to gain access to that tracker. But seeing how you have public trackers included within the torrent, it's okay.

You can join that private torrent community, by clicking on Trackers in your tab --> Find that tracker, and copy it.

Paste it onto your Web Browser (i.e. Mozilla firefox, IE, etc), and you should be able to head to the site itself, there you can register. But don't be shocked if it says that it's reached its user limit of say 100,000.

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Whoa that's awfully alot of Rubbish Data there. Yeah...try out Dark Shroud's advice!

>< Aww I should create a FAQ topic here soon....

Btw, @Jupitor:

This means that your torrent is off a private Bittorrent community, you'll need to register at that torrent community, so as to gain access to that tracker. But seeing how you have public trackers included within the torrent, it's okay.

You can join that private torrent community, by clicking on Trackers in your tab --> Find that tracker, and copy it.

Paste it onto your Web Browser (i.e. Mozilla firefox, IE, etc), and you should be able to head to the site itself, there you can register. But don't be shocked if it says that it's reached its user limit of say 100,000.

thank for yr suggest :) :)

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Your welcome! And also...from your screenshots, I would suggest you to avoid using ports below 50,000, as these ports are commonly used by alot of users.

Also, if you are using a router to access the internet, be sure to untick the checkbox "Enable UpNP Port Mapping". This may slightly assist you with the rubbish data issue.

If your issue continues even after the installation of peer Guardian, then it's likely that the seeders/peers you've connected to all have bad hashes within the torrent i.e. There aren't alot of peers/seeders who have a complete 'good' version of the torrent you're downloading.

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I just read all of the trackers listed in that pic. You have the Pirate Bay and a number of others that are just getting back up from their ISP being down or their servers seized for "various" reasons. Some of those should be back online.

Just make sure you have DHT & PEX turned on and you'll be able to connect to other peers. :)

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