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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration

2 questions should be simple


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im a ral newbie to this at age 45. i am able to get some downloads without any problem what so ever. but at the bottom is says that dht is not connected, is this important? ive checked my firewalls and bit comnet is open both ways.....

also id like to be able to add other torrent sites to my list on the left hand side but i cant seem to figure that out or does it only list sites that bit comet adds?

sorry to be a pin in the butt but i am an old man trying to keep up with this pooter stuff and could use a hand if you got a second plz let me know how to fix these 2 problems...thanks in advance...paccman63

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1. No the DHT Network is not necessary for downloading, it is just a helpful feature if the trackers arent working. The DHT Network uses only UDP connections so therefore something is blocking those connections.

2. I think you can just hit Ctrl-B when your using Bitcomets internal browser to add whatever site your on to the list. If that doesnt work then this guide should help you. Otherwise just use your own browser, like Firefox, and bookmark the torrent sites you like.

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