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Problem connecting to peers?

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Well recently I've been finding my client refusing to connect to peers or finding them for that matter and the download speeds just ran down the shitters. So I reconfigured my static ip for my router and everything, openned up ports and upgraded to 0.73

Well 0.73 kinda shat itself and it'd speed up, slow down this one torrent and it fell apart. So I got out 0.70 and installed that instead since its the last stable release.

I just do not connect to the peers that are there. My ports are openned correctly. I connect to like 1 seeder and a few peers per torrent when normally I'd just connect up to like 10. Then I'd lose those connections after a bit and just not download anything at all.

Maybe my ISP is gay or something but somehow I suspect something else might be at work.

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Sounds like possibly your internet connection is dropping or locking up. You said you would lose all connections after a bit and it would stop downloading completely. When this happens are you still able to browse the web?

Also what do you have set for the option "Max half-open TCP connections"?

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