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Which is more stable? 0.70 or 0.69


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Next time read the release note:

v0.70 2006.6.24

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the program can not run in certain OS due to mistaken compile option

v0.69 2006.6.23

GUI Improved: download status infomation will be displayed in preview window info-bar when preview is buffering

GUI Improved: BitComet Forum URL is updated

GUI Bugfix: controls in Task Properity Dialog will reposition correctly when resizing the dialog

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the spin buttons of min/max upload rate edit-box in Task Properity Dialog do not work

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the peer list doesn't display any peer in very occasional situation

GUI Bugfix: be able to handle BCTP link opened from FireFox properly

Core Improved: improve preview buffer schedule algorithm, start buffer if data in buffer pool less than 50%, resume play if full

Core Improved: improve piece request algorithm when preview, decrease the chance of buffering

Core Improved: improve error detection of video decoder when start preview

Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the video and audio sometimes become asynchronous caused by preview buffering

Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when parsing some non-standard HTTP protocol packet

So they're pretty much the same version.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Bary said:

bitcomet 0.70

what i like about 0.69 is that when you click a torrent website, the site opens up in your default browser. there is an option in 0.70 that lets you open the standard browser, but by standard browser it uses internet explorer, not firefox.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I can do that (stop and start again downloads) with version 6.1. I have been unable to find a reason to change from 6.1-- getting good download speeds; and no issues after almost a year of use, except being bothered by the prompts to change to version 7.0 all the time.

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  rblews said:
I can do that (stop and start again downloads) with version 6.1. I have been unable to find a reason to change from 6.1-- getting good download speeds; and no issues after almost a year of use, except being bothered by the prompts to change to version 7.0 all the time.

First off I think you mean 0.61 and 0.70.

For starters 0.70 has Protocol Encryption(PE) compatible with µTorrent & Azureus. This was added back in version 0.63. And unlike the old PHE in 0.61 that only works with BitComet versions 0.59-0.62 PE works with all versions from 0.63 onward.

If you don't want to use 0.70 then at least consider upgrading to 0.64. Its stable, the DHT is decently secure and it has PE.

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