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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration


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i create a torrent input all the trackers needed and create it and send to my friend... when he open the torrent i can only see 1 peer and his ip but i cannot upload him anything it just stuck at 0kb/s off and on. i tried both public enable or use track server also cant solve the problem :unsure:

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Creating a torrent is only the first step. You must create the torrent using the correct url for the tracker you plan to use.

Then you must upload that torrent to the tracker, according to their rules, and make sure the tracker has accepted it. That may take a few minutes after the upload is complete.

You can tell this has occurred by seeding the torrent and observing the tracker response. At first you'll get a response like "unregistered torrent", meaning it isn't tracking that torrent. After it goes all the way through the system, the tracker will give a normal "everything's good" response. Your torrent will be seeded, but you'll have no swarm members. It takes time for the torrent to be found, downloaded, and loaded into their bittorrent clients, before they start leeching and you start seeing them in the swarm.

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