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Odd listen port problems

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I'm getting a problem i have never had with BC before. For some reason BC is not listening through the port i have assigned. Please don't say "go read the settings guide, etc.." i have read the settings guide many times and i had BC 0.60 running great. I am now using 0.70 and this is the version i am having issues with. I have my selected listen port open through windows firewall, i have my hardware firewall off, and i have the ports forwarded through my router. I know it should work because the port forwarding for my games works fine. it's just 0.70 version of BC. Is the a known issues with this version of BC? any tips would be helpful.

BTW, i have changed all my settings in BC to let me manually config my port forwarding.

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I'm sorry, you might want to explain more about what you've done, because it does not make sense.

If you've disabled your hardware firewall, then you have nothing to forward a port through. Also in that case you have no need to set a static IP, a dynamic one will work just fine for you.

Most routers will not open a port except to a specific IP address. That's a security measure. If that's done, you need to make certain that your computer is at that IP address, hence the need for a static address. Turning off the firmware firewall in the router obviates all of this.

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Sorry to be confusing, here is an explaination:

I have unblocked my listen port in windows firewall. I have also forwarded my listen port in my router to my ip address. i have not set a static ip and see no need to as i can change the ip i port forward to with ease. i have checked my ip and i am forwarding to the correct ip. I have also disabled the firewall that came with my motherboard. I have not installed any other firewalls or anything that could come with a firewall.

also, i forward ports for my racing games so i can host small online sessions with friends, and i haven't had any issues with that. only the new version of bitcomet has problems. i have changed it's listen port from default. my question is if i change the listen port in bitcomet, do i need to wipe it out of windows firewall and completely reassign it. at this point, i have only changes it's listen port definitions in windows firewall (i.e. the udp and tcp ports) and not the program allowances. do i need to reassign bitcomet (the exe) also if i just change the listen port.

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Your router dynamically assigns your IP address within the subnet. That IP is subject to change at any time, whenver your lease expires or certain other events occur.

Most routers, probably including yours, will forward a port only to a particular IP address and no other. Hopefully, it's to your computer's IP. If the computer address changes (and there will be no notice to you that it has), then the listen port is not open on the router firewall for that new IP address. If some other machine on your subnet gets your old IP address, then it has an open port it doesn't know about. Bad for security, that.

You will have to figure out that your IP has changed, find out what the new one is, and change the router firewall rule to point to the new IP. You'll have to do that all over again, each time your IP changes. You'll have to stay on top of it, constantly check to see whether your IP has changed.

Far, far easier to use a static, unchanging IP for your computer, and forward to that address. It only has to be done once, then you can forget about it.

Firewalls are not unlike a series of gates or doors. Only one has to be closed to block traffic, and it doesn't matter that the others are open -- the traffic is still blocked by the one that's closed. When you change your listen port, all of the firewalls must be changed to close the old port and open the new one. This means your router's firewall and your computer's software firewall(s). The change must be made on the firewalls and in the BitComet preferences as well.

Some routers working with some software use UPnP to configure firewalls automatically. It doesn't work nearly reliably enough, but you may be one of the fortunate few. It's usually not worth bothering with if you don't know exactly what you're doing, and often not even then.

Generally speaking, you should have only one firewall. If you have more than one, they WILL stumble over each other like this.

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I understand how firewalls work, and as i have said, i can port forword for my other applications without problems. only bitcomet is giving me issues. it's acting like bitcomet is not listening through the port i'm telling it too. this is very maddening as i have never had this issue with a version of bitcomet before. what should the referance to bitcomet be in my router. it was "BitCom1". this worked for .60 but doesn't seem to work for .70. everything is setup correctly. i have checked it and double checked it.

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The name of the rule doesn't matter at all. It could be "Bitcom 1" or "rumplestiltskin" for all the difference that makes. The name's just a label for human convenience, the router ignores it. What matters is the port number, the IP address and the protocol spec. Some routers have a set of predefined rules for popular applications. Sounds like yours is one of them. The parameters are often wrong.

You're probably better off creating a new rule that you know is correct. Test your own port at www.canyouseeme.org with BitComet running. If it says anything besides "yes, the port's open" then something is blocking it. Maybe your router's firewall, maybe something else, maybe more than one thing

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New here. Quick question since you are talking about firewalls. I've disabled all software firewalls. Downloads and internet works like a charm, fast too. Is there any need to have a software firewall when you have a router firewall.

The reason I ask is that I've heard some router manufactures state that you don't need a software firewall if you are behind a rounter.

Thanks in advance.

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New here. Quick question since you are talking about firewalls. I've disabled all software firewalls. Downloads and internet works like a charm, fast too. Is there any need to have a software firewall when you have a router firewall.

The reason I ask is that I've heard some router manufactures state that you don't need a software firewall if you are behind a rounter.

Thanks in advance.

Hi, we prefer that you make a new topic when asking questions.

I will explain why I use both a router and software firewall, but if you want to discuss it further, please make a new topic.

A good software firewall can stop both incoming and out going connections, so you can block pesky programs that are designed to "call home" either to check if they are legit (not downloaded from torrents) or to check for newer versions (which is just a waste of resources).


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