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Bad speeds after a while, please help

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First off, let me give you some background. When i download files, that arent p2p. for instance from fileplanet, i get speeds of around 200-250 kbs. which is decent enough considering im living in New Zealand.

A few days ago, i started downloading a p2p file, via a seeder. when i started, there were about 4 seeders, and 10 or so peers. i got speeds of around 70-90kbs. which was decent enough for me.

Now, the file (according to the site) has around 300 seeders, and 600 peers, and my speeds are generally down 5-15kbs and up, 20-25 kbs. Ive tried mixing around in the settings with limiting my up speed etc. nothing seems to work. The file is 2.5 gigs so id really appreciate if someone could explain to me how to get a decent speed. I dont mind upping at all, but i dont want to up and speeds so much greater than my down speed.

I did read the faq and found nothing of help there.

Thanks in advance, and apologies if this has been discussed alot.

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sadly, this is most often caused by people who run multiple torrents.

You can only download as fast as the peers upload to you, so peers that have several torrents running are slowing down everyone they are connected to.

Since most users have much more download bandwidth then upload, and since bit torrent gives the most download to those that upload the most, it is very hard to get extremely fast download speeds.

However, if some torrents do run fast, as you state, then the problem is not related to your settings, nor your connection.


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Thank you

So since my U/D ratio atm is 1.4, it means that the higher it gets, the better speeds i will get? IE, bitcomet gives better speed, the more youve upped?

Well, if your torrent is running, and your ratio is over 1.0, and you have a typical connection (faster download then upload), then this is not normal.

Most torrents will finish long before your ratio reaches 1.0.

I suggest you observe what your max download speed is running at when set to unlimited, then reduce it by setting max to about 80% of what you observed (do this only while downloading). Once the torrent finishes, you can have it seed without restricting (unless it effects your browsing more then you can tolorate).

By reducing your upload, your client will respond to requests for data faster, which can greatly increase your download speed, however, reducing upload can also decrease your download speed too. The trick is to find the optimal setting. This takes some practise. If you run multiple torrents (which you should not) then it becomes infinately harder to find optimal settings.


ps. this can make your download finish faster, but you will still need to continue seeding till ratio catches up, but at least (for example) you can watch the movie while you continue to seed.

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Ok. my current torrent, only doing one at a time. Is 2.28gb, u/d ratio is at 1.4. health is at 3750%. its 65% done, my down speed is on averge 3-5 kbs, my up is on averge 6-8kbs. This is with both d and u set to unlimited. ive tried (observing about an hour each) diffrent settings, higher and lower down up etc.

Given these numbers, is there some way to optimise my limits? if not, could you make a qualified guess on anything that could speed up the rest of my dl.

Again, thank you very much

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those speeds are bad, I suggest you try downloading this "open office torrent"


I, as well as other members have reported speeds in excess of 700kB/s, so this should tell you if your client is working properly.

If you don't want the program, then stop it as soon as you observe your performance.

If it runs slowly, then you might have something blocking your connection.

If you need further help, then we need to know if your using a router, if so have you forwarded your listening port, and setup a static IP address in windows?

If you want to know if your port is open, go to "canyouseeme.org" and test your listening port.


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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry kind of intersecting here.

i need to start w/ some silly Q, hope u dun mind. i supposed u mean 700k Byte/sec ? sorry coz i'm confused with the bitcomet interface of kB/s (header) and kb/s (actual torrent file). and here plp like mixing up kB/s and kb/s a lot, according to my understand (1 byte = 8 bits).

feel doubtful with those speed tester out there; getting average of 350kbps; max 490kbps; min 290kbps for d/l, whereas for u/l average 200kbps; max240kbps; min 180kbps. but d/l rate hardly more than 20kBps even though with good seeders & peers ratio. that's why going to try the "openoffice d/l test" but do i need to halt temporarily other downloading torrents? [FYI , my ISP claims max 512kbps d/l ; 256kbps u/l]

and lastly, saw some discussion on "bitcomet ethique"; downloading different files fr different sources is considered "multiple torrents" as well ? doing 3 to 5 torrents at any one time, is that too bad ?

truly my last Q : what is the "all" meant in "seed/peer[all]" parameter?

sorry if Qs sound silly to you guys.

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I was indeed referring to kBytes/s in my post.

My ISP provides over 8000kb/s or 1000kB/s, and I got peek speeds with the open office torrent near 800kB/s.

Even though my broadband is several times as fast as yours, I never run more then one (sometimes two) torrents at the same time. My max upload rate is 768kb/s, and If I was to run multiple torrents, I would be giving very little upload to any one peer.

Running multiple torrrents is the primary reason people get slow download speed. If I connect to someone running five torrents, then all his peers in that torrent have to share 1/5 of his bandwidth, which is almost equal to zero. We would all be better off if this person didn't connect at all.

As for testing this open office, yes, shut down all torrents and test.


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thanx for prompt reply.

just tried the "openoffice d/l" ; run for 15 minutes, avg d/l rate 10KBps, peak at 20kBps when seed/peer [all] is 36/38[36/143], health 3500+%; u/l rate is very minimal fr 1KBps to 3KBps;

is the speed above normal? to be realistic, pls refer to my ISP services of 512kbps max d/l & 256kbps max u/l;

or maybe is there any room for improvement, i.e. tweaking, optimize setting;

FYI, i just went through some bitcomet setting tutorial (can't remember which site) and is currently using setting as shown:

global max d/l : 50kB/s

global max u/l : 20kB/s

max simult half open TCP conn : 90

pls comment.

my other questions:

what is the differences btw 38 & 143 in the following parameter:

seed/peer [all] = 36/38[36/143]

continuous "connecting torrent" will do any harm to other d/l? FYI, already heed your advice by limiting to max 2 torrents at any one time :)

can't believe u guys response so promptly !! thanx anyway

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thanx for prompt reply.

just tried the "openoffice d/l" ; run for 15 minutes, avg d/l rate 10KBps, peak at 20kBps when seed/peer [all] is 36/38[36/143], health 3500+%; u/l rate is very minimal fr 1KBps to 3KBps;

is the speed above normal? to be realistic, pls refer to my ISP services of 512kbps max d/l & 256kbps max u/l;

or maybe is there any room for improvement, i.e. tweaking, optimize setting;

FYI, i just went through some bitcomet setting tutorial (can't remember which site) and is currently using setting as shown:

global max d/l : 50kB/s

global max u/l : 20kB/s

max simult half open TCP conn : 90

pls comment.

my other questions:

what is the differences btw 38 & 143 in the following parameter:

seed/peer [all] = 36/38[36/143]

continuous "connecting torrent" will do any harm to other d/l? FYI, already heed your advice by limiting to max 2 torrents at any one time :)

can't believe u guys response so promptly !! thanx anyway

I try to reply quickly to most posts, but since I'm only here on and off for a few minutes at a time, its easy to miss posts completely (which is why I ask people to send me a PM if I take more then 24hrs to reply).

As for the speed you are getting on the open office torrent, I would have expected you would get better speed. I'm not sure why you didn't. As for the upload, since their torrents are so well seeded, you would not get as much requests for data, so low upload is normal.

what is the differences btw 38 & 143 in the following parameter:

seed/peer [all] = 36/38[36/143]

This is easy to explain, you are connected to 36 seeds and 38 peers. The total amount in the swarm are 36 seeds and 143 peers.

as for the settings for your bit comet, I suggest you use our setting guide.

As for your torrent doing any "harm" to other downloads, if I understand you correctly then no, but I should clairify...

Any direct downloads you are doing will be slowed because of the bandwidth used by your client (bit comet), but they should still complete sucessfully, so I guess it depends on exactly what you meant with the question.


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