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0.0% but downloading at 4kb


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The download is at 1100% health and rising. This file is compressed so it's a total of 197.21 MB and I've heard decent comments on it as well. For some reason, though I use dial-up and it's majorly slow, it's only at 23.3% after leaving it on all night, and most programs are near at LEAST 60%. Is there something wrong?

Update: The download is rising .1 of a % every 8-10 minutes so something definately isn't right. I had a 600+mb file download faster than that and this is a fraction of that. The health is at 8000+ now.

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This is normal for a dial up connection. There is no way that you can respond to requests for data fast enough to become an active member in the swarm.

You will continue to only get data sent on and off.

You may find some torrents that are extremely well seeded run a bit faster if there is not a big demand for the data your requesting, but most will not.


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