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Wan Ip/Port issues


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I have been using Bitcomet for about a week now, and I really like it. Today, however, it has stopped working as well.

For the last few days, I have had very high download and upload rates, and i noticed that it showed my WAN ip in the statistics window. Today, I can't get over 6kB/s, and the WAN ip is now showed as I can connect to just as many peers, i just cant get any download or upload started. Also, all the peers are connected as local, and i tested that my port was forwarded correctly and apparently its not.

I have a lnksys wrt54g router, which has the port 64619 forwarded to my static ip, and the port is also opened in the windows firewall. I cant think of anything that has happened in the last 24 hours to cause this change... any help please?


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You'll need to recheck your whole setup, because it looks like something somewhere got reset. Check that your IP is still set as static, and to the address you think it should be. Check the router to make sure it's still forwarding that port to that IP address. Check your listen port to make sure it's still the one you think it is.

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No, I have triple checked all my addresses and ports.

I used to get this message in my log each time i started up BitComet:

UDP tracker report: WAN IP = 72.**.**.**

but now i dont get anything, and all my peer connections are local. Any more ideas/suggestions please!!!


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ok, I finally got my wan ip to show up again, but my speeds are still fluctuating around 30-50 kB/s when it used to be 120/140.

Also, all my peer connections are still local despite my forwarded port and static ip.

Any ideas on how I can get back to the high speeds i achieved earlier this week?


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  kluelos said:
Something is blocking your listen port. You'll need to figure out what that is.

actually, i have noticed port forwarding wont work on any of my computers, so i am going to try and update the router firmware... try again then

thanks for the help

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