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Bitcomet is unusable in Malaysia


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Hi all...me too experiencing unusual download speed drop in Malaysia

As paparaaaapa recent new post "ISP Blocked Bitcomet" StreamyX is Malaysia Main ISP Broadband Provider. There are a lot of Malaysia Citizens suffering the same problem also...Is it Malaysia banned p2p recently...??

Basically, my bitcomet download speed drop from 100+kbs to 1-5 kbs...and some even 0 kbs and keep on disconnecting..... >_<"


(1) all other internet usage are not effected except bitcomet downloads.

(2) individual file download health can reach 1000+ %, but download speed only 0-5 kbs, and 0 kbs most of the time.

(3) all ISP broking solution (Encryption, Firewall Configuration, NAT..) is ON, but no use at all.

(4) there are plenty of download peers (2000+) but only 0-3 (seeds), and these seeds just keep on disconnecting....and stay on 0 seeds in most of the time.

(5) ......still searching......

Conclusion, bitcomet already cannot be use in Malaysia ? or there are still any solution left ?? :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi there! I am from PJ and don't experience any significant problem. I am using 1MB download package.

I notice that the download speed depends on the time of the day. The best time is after midnight for the type of files that I am downloading (your experience may be different from mine). 11am until midnight are not so good for downloading. Also at this time there are not that many people connected, result in even slower speed. There was one period of time (about 10 days) that I experienced extremely slow speed after midnight (completely opposite of my usual experience), but later it was back to normal. How long have you experienced slow speed? Could it be line problem?

If it is a new download, it is quite slow at the beginning. It is normal that download speed is slow if the percentage of completion is less than 10% or higher than 90%.

If the seeds come and go, it doesn't matter. The most important field is the HEALTH. A health of every 100 means there is 1 complete copy. Besides, sometimes seeds send out lots of data, sometimes seeds send out very few data, depends on the torrent. Don't ask me why but it's how it works. So, a seed is not a must.

Anyway, I have heard of many people complain about slow speed using BC, but I am not sure if intentional blocking exists or not.


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  goody99 said:
sometimes seeds send out lots of data, sometimes seeds send out very few data, depends on the torrent. Don't ask me why but it's how it works.

Hi, Regarding this. The most common reason torrents are slow, is users that run multiple torrents.

Most of us have limited upload bandwidth, so we cannot send enough data to the swarm to support more then one torrent. If we do, then everyone that connects to us, we get little or nothing from us.

It is much better to run one torrent, when its done seeding, stop it and run your next.


ps. If all your torrents always run slow, then it could be throttling, or a problem with your settings.

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I wish to concur with lyner and some of my countrymen's (maybe with the exception of goody's) findings.

It was a big contrast to what I usually get from BitComet since Monday 13th. No more double

digits dl/ul rates in which all along I've taken them for granted. For someone already grown so

accustomed to BitComet, it is clear that the rates are now seldom beyond 5 kBps. Imagine the pain

having to see other peers with double-digits rates (some even with 3 digits) with mine plodding


I've taken the initiative of uninstalling and reinstalling 0.70, plus replacing the ZA firewall

with that of OUtpost, but still to no avail as there was no marked improvement. It was the same for

whatever torrent I've tried: the results were relatively dismal. I'd already be in peace if the

rates are in the 10-15kBps region by the time of the 35% file mark with respect to my 512/256kbps.

Out of curiousity, I've installed/ran Azureus and utorrent to see if things would turn out

differently. Inspite of healthy green NATs, those two clients still give similar results as that

of BitComet: single digit performance.

I'll go along with lyner to say that other internet activities, such as surfing, FTP download and

video streaming, seem to be unaffected. I used to switch-on Kazaa once in a while just to break

the monotony, and it was OK before Monday 13th. I'm afraid Kazaa is already unusable now as it

disconnects itself too frequently.


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Yes, I have to concur the above problem!

I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (ISP: Streamyx)

This has been a problem since one month ago.

Here is the data from one of my downloads:

Health: Between 900% to 2,200%

Total Downloaded: 276MB

Total Uploaded: 829MB

Average Download Rate: 1KB/s within 59:00:00

Average Upload Rate: 3KB/s within 59:00:00

1. Concur that it keeps disconnecting with BitComet, many times over an hour.

2. Concur that it download speed is between 0 to 5kB/s even with a very good health

3. My download is much slower than my upload, that is strange, never had that before, usually it is download faster than upload. Refer to the above data.

Block by authorities or ISP?? :( :( :(

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  halogen649 said:

1. Concur that it keeps disconnecting with BitComet, many times over an hour.

2. Concur that it download speed is between 0 to 5kB/s even with a very good health

3. My download is much slower than my upload, that is strange, never had that before, usually it is download faster than upload. Refer to the above data.

If you keep disconnecting with BitComet, are you using version 0.70? 0.70 is the stable one. If you are using version above 0.70, you should uninstall it and replace it with version 0.70

My download is usually slower than my upload ever since I use BC. I am using 1MBps package. Upload rate is often at 40KB/s. Download rate is usually less than that. By the way, I set Global Max Download Rate & Global Max Upload Rate as NO LIMIT

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There is no use trying to solve the slow down as tm streamyx has started to throttled our downloads, they do it very unfairly. Once they identify your account has been downloading p2p materials, they will throttled your account. For me, I am a lite user, but unfortunately my account has been throttled. Few of my friends(very heavy user) are fortunate that their account wasn't touched. The only way to solve this problem is to switch ISP, but unfortunately, we only have tmnet monopoly. I understand that Digi has started an internet package which I strongly feel will take over our present tmnet monopoly.

please read




so guys and gals, get ready to switch ISP if your dead streamyx problem persist, no point going for a buffet and they only allow you the appetizer only

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hi, Im malaysian from selangor pj, and im usin' 512kb yea half of streamyx 1m connection. 512/8 = 64KB and most of the time my downloading speed is 50-60 kb/s. So its not true that tmnet blocking bitcomet or BT, our isp love bitcomet.

EDIT: Not all task can reach max downloading speed, depends on tracker and peers. some task only 1-5 KB/s, try something else.

Can i post a torrent file here to let them try?

2 tasks here


about 9am GTM+8 fed-up give up


this is the 2nd task. And i upload a lot, contribute a lil bit

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The whole country already compalining, you must be blind, count yourself being lucky your BT is not throttled. Call 1-300-88-9515 and tell them you are downloading p2p and see what they'll do to your account.

Good luck.

(Mod. Edit: You do not have to quote a post that is directly above yours. Also, please watch your language - insulting/flaming other members is NOT ALLOWED. If you continue to do so, you may receive an official warning, and account restrictions.)

Edited by cassie (see edit history)
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I think Dinois either work for StreamyX Malaysia only ISP Broadband Provider or he/she is lucky not to be throttled.

I have just install an antithrottle software and after sometime of downloading it tell me I am being throttled as my

connection MAC address has being changed.

The connection was continuosly disconnected then reconnected with the same message. I then stop the antithrottle

software and the disconnection stop but now I can only get local initiation with no more remote connection.

The download speed also drop from 50Kb/s to 3 – 4Kb/s. :angry: :angry: :angry:

Same question is there a solution temporary or permanent?????????????????????? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

Edit : I get my antithrottle software from http://www.dosdragon.com/antithrottle.zip

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  krishmti said:

The whole country already compalining, you must be blind, count yourself being lucky your BT is not throttled. Call 1-300-88-9515 and tell them you are downloading p2p and see what they'll do to your account.

Good luck.


he will i think ..

maybe in 1 month

coz before i change my bc to .75 my speed is totally slow .. like a snail although encryption is turned on

but after i change to .75 .. i can dl torrent /w encryption by full speed....

results = after 1 month acc will be their target of throttle

now i'm using .77 with encryption ... still the highest speed i can reach is only 90-100kb/s ...*normally can go to 140-160kb/s

@silverl ..

btw silverl what's that antithrottle software use?

it react on ur connection or ?

Edited by cassie (see edit history)
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Hi Kaizzya,

From what I can get from the program properties.

Description: Anti-Throttle for Comcast cable Internet users

Comments: Program created to stop Comcast from shutting off users.

Company: DoS-Dragon.com

Date Created: 18/11/2006 3:29 PM

Size: 503 KB

This software does not seem to solve the throttling problem. :( :(

Same question is there a solution temporary or permanent for this throttling problem ??? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

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  krishmti said:

Stupid! The whole country already compalining, you must be blind, count yourself being lucky your BT is not throttled. Call 1-300-88-9515 and tell them you are downloading p2p and see what they'll do to your account.

Good luck.

So bad! call me stupid :P chill~ *u sound like Mr. chua* didnt know that u represent the whole country to post here. sorry

The 2nd pic is a chinese drama, on monday theres another new episode, maybe I send you the torrent file and try, see u can get how many KB/s. Ofcause with a proper bitcomet setting, like port forwarding...etc http://forums.bitcomet.com/index.php?showtopic=533

Run anti-virus & adware/spyware scan.

Juicy part: pls dont limit your upload, set no limit. *u goin' to call me stupid again i know but just listen to me once*

Im not lucky, many thing I tried and failed you didnt know. Im in 1-5KB/s for more than 1 month. Keep on tryin' is the keyword. I even format my pc*a bit dumb*, suspect that im black listed because i leeching. Change bitcomet client from .6x to .7 then back to .58.. and so on, i even need a new folder to keep all my bitcomet/non bitcomet installer. 2 spyware, 1 adware and 1 antivirus program.. from forum to forum try different version of movies, drama, p***, anime. Search from english bitcomet forum to chinese bitcomet forum and lot more that you wont be interested with.

trail and error, do something different.

beside bt theres another way to download and get like 50-60KB/s mostly chinese movies/drama/english movies with china word sub.. how? goooooooogle it! find the answer for yourself

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Hi Dinois,

Krishmti, is just being frustrated for being throttled. Calling name is not being polite but you also did not help at all.

In your fist post you said you are a Malaysian from PJ, Selangor state, using 512kb and your downloading speed is 50-60 kb/s.

You claimed that tmnet (StreamyX - Malaysia only ISP) is not blocking (throttling) bitcomet or BT, you also said the country only ISP love bitcomet.

By saying all this I do not know what you is your intention - to be helpfull, I do not see it.

Now on your 2nd. post you said your downloading was 1-5KB/s for more than 1 month. Unless you have changed some setting your downloading speed do not suddenly drop for no reason.

You said that now your downloading speed is 50-60 kb/s. Congratulation to you but you did not share on how you get back your download speed.

I think you are selfish and do not like to help others as you have not offer any helpful suggestion other than do not limit the upload speed.

Your suggestion of setting it to no limit is also wrong as the correct setting is 80% of the uploading speed. Correct me if I am wrong.

We are here to ask for help not boast or sing praise of what you have or can do. Offer help or just be a bystander.

Same question is there a solution temporary or permanent for this throttling problem ??? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

I apologize for repeating the question for so many times.

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hay, did you guys manage to check streamyx's front page, it said they were doing mantanance, fools, dont any of you remember last time's mantanances thinggy, when they upgraded from 512kbps dl to 1mbps dl (the speeds were just as bad, i think this was 3 years ago), this time they tried going from 1mps to 4mbps apparantly, but it was too much, so they put it to 2mpbs instead, then they updated their product package page right, it is 2mbps dl 512kbps upload, but the traffic was too much, i signed up for the 2mbps package on day 1, even thou now they took away that package from their website, i still got the 2mbps connection, btw i live in PJ, and yes during mantanance, i got shitty speeds, now im getting 160kbps down (max), and 60kbps up (max), i duno why the download is so slow.... its supposed to be near to 200, i was expecting 170-180 max.... when i had the 1mbps 90kbps was normal, 90 is alot closer to 100 than 160 is to 200, if you know what i mean.

oh yea and for anyone here who didnt port forward properly, i think you need to turn off upnp support (in options advanced connections) then just portforward the listening port, it worked for me for some reason, i found this little information on portforward.com (might be only for my router, so you go check your self)

i dont think streamyx is throteling, theyre too stupid for that. and if anyone has trouble going thru port forward.com, (i did, took a while to find what i needed) go to common ports, find bitcomet, then find your router model, the gui might be a bit different but you should get the info you need. make sure you have java script enabled, cuz they have this cool preview of what your portforward screen should look like, and a step by step thing, (i thought it was awesome)

and for setting dl/up cap, i set my dl to unlimited, and my up to 30 (when i had my 1mbps connection), i kept 2-5 kbps free in the upload, im guessing its at 90% :P, now i jsut keep it unlimited cuz i like sharing, it dosent seem to affect my downloads (i tested it)

and one more thing, lyner, are you retarded ? if a file has 3 seeders and 2000+ leechers, why do u think you would have a chance to connect to the 3 seeders before any of those 2000 people?, moron (if you didnt get my message, you cant connect to them), if you want fast speeds go find files with good seed:leech ratios, for my tests to get my max speeds, i found files with 10:1 (seed:leech) ratios, dont expect fast speeds from obscure torrents, with hardly any seeds.

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  silverl said:
Hi Dinois,

Krishmti, is just being frustrated for being throttled. Calling name is not being polite but you also did not help ......

1st of all like to say sorry about the joke that sayin' tm love bitcomet

And I already said what i did to get back my max downloading speed. Let me make it simple and easy

1. Setting- make sure your setting is good and usin' 0.7

2. Anti-virus, ad-ware/spy-ware scan

*number 1 and 2 is very basic things u need to do*

3. Try something different- say u wanna download chinese drama, and u find it slow. Dont assume anything yet if you're not sure. Try other version. same drama, same episode, update time different about 10-15 minutes, i able to find 7 different version. Out of 7 only one version i can reach max, and only one version 40-50KB/s.

*i use bt 80% for HK drama, weekend movies*

4. Dont limit your upload rate. If I limit to 25KB/s, my download also 25KB/s.

Did i said anything more than b4? nope.. samething try something different.

If really cannot find any other version, beside BT or emule there's another way of downloading movies/drama/anime somethng call xunlei or flashget. The so call seeder upload it to let say megaupload u just click the link and use downloader to download.

The 1st post i didnt say anything about xunlei or flash get cause im not sure that i can post it here or not. Cause its nothing to do with BT or bitcomet.

where can u get all the info about p2p and p2p forum?


If u hop around the forum, u'll be able to find an answers for yourself.

Silverl, how to help if u guys not interested with HK drama? I dont watch p*** & anime. Only watch HK drama

and cantonese movies on weekend.

Something im not too sure i'll like to add here


我是来自大马的,当我用port 10000时下载速度是30KB,



windoows firewall 和 kaspersky一起开,没影响下载或上传速度。。。。。

copy and paste from a chinese forum.

Im not usin' 6881-6999.

  silverl said:
Hi Dinois,

Krishmti, is just being frustrated for being throttled. Calling name is not being polite but you also did not help at all.

In your fist post you said you are a Malaysian from PJ, Selangor state, using 512kb and your downloading speed is 50-60 kb/s.

You claimed that tmnet (StreamyX - Malaysia only ISP) is not blocking (throttling) bitcomet or BT, you also said the country only ISP love bitcomet.

By saying all this I do not know what you is your intention - to be helpfull, I do not see it.

Now on your 2nd. post you said your downloading was 1-5KB/s for more than 1 month. Unless you have changed some setting your downloading speed do not suddenly drop for no reason.

You said that now your downloading speed is 50-60 kb/s. Congratulation to you but you did not share on how you get back your download speed.

I think you are selfish and do not like to help others as you have not offer any helpful suggestion other than do not limit the upload speed.

Your suggestion of setting it to no limit is also wrong as the correct setting is 80% of the uploading speed. Correct me if I am wrong.

We are here to ask for help not boast or sing praise of what you have or can do. Offer help or just be a bystander.

Same question is there a solution temporary or permanent for this throttling problem ??? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

I apologize for repeating the question for so many times.

I show you your problem in red color.

I know in dragosani's guide ask u to set it 80% of your max upload rate.

Wont die if u try it for 1 day to set it no limit. am i right?

na na this is what i mean try something different

selfish? if selfish i dont even bother to post. sitting here and laugh "haha"

Answer already in 1st post with picture some more.

this torrent cannot. stop and try another version.

samething try something different.

I didnt do any setting, 1st and 2nd post got nothing to do with setting. only set no limit to upload rate

I even offer to send u guys a torrent file to try your download speed. Nobody pm me! can i post here? i already ask. Not asking u to watch chinese drama, just to test your downloading speed.

Forum got forum rules, got nothing to do with Bitcomet general help cannot post.


EDIT:If its hard to make u understand, maybe is my problem and cause its so hard to understand the meaning of "try something different".

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Hi MYS34N,

Congratulation to you another Streamyx satisfy customer. I use to be before they start throttling.

Streamyx's front page


We wish to inform our tmnet streamyx customers that TM Net will be performing a service maintenance exercise on its Streamyx system in Teruntum, Kuantan from 9.30 p.m, 25 November 2006 until 1.30 a.m, on 26 November 2006.

As a result, Streamyx customers in Kuantan may experience a disruption of service during that stipulated period. We would like to assure you that the service will resume to normal after this time. TM Net Sdn Bhd apologizes for any inconvenience caused, whilst at the same time, we would like to assure you that we are upgrading our system to enable us to serve you better. ]

What has that do to with the slow downloading speed in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia? :unsure:

When I switch off my computer for the whole night and the next day when I on the computer and start BitComet I can get remote and local. The speed is not great with a lot peers but cannot connect to them.

At least I have remote and local but after my Anti-Throttle software reports that I may have be throttled all the remote disappear.

BitComet setting is okay including port forwarding and firewall setting. Even the Half-Open I have set to 100 which is quite high. I run anti adware and spyware every day. Norton Antivirus every week.

I also notice one thing you join today at 02:23 PM and you post at 02:36 PM only about 13 minutes to write and post with very good English a bit suspicion but must give you the benefit of doubt. I can see you are trying very hard to defend Tmnet Streamyx. Self denial of nothing has happen will not make the problem go away.

As I have said I was getting good download speed and suddenly it drop to a very low level.

We are here to ask for help.

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