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Portforwarding - Weird Modem/Router


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Hey I just changed internet provider and I used to have a modem, but now I have a internet router, which I very much hate, hate !!!

I went to http://www.portforward.com, but I can't em to find my "router modem", so that I can see the portforwarding guide.

It is from Comcast and is called a "DPC2100 Scientific Atlanta cable modem".

I'am 100 % sure that it is blocked, since I usually only get 10/1000 peers or something similiar.

Hope anyone can help me or at least redirect me in the right direction (Btw I am horrible at PFding)

Thanks :( ;)

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This is NOT a router, its a cable modem, so no need to forward your listening port.

You can check canyouseeme.org to test you port to see if something is blocking it.

If it doesn't test as open, then you must have a firewall blocking it.


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  The UnUsual Suspect said:

This is NOT a router, its a cable modem, so no need to forward your listening port.

You can check canyouseeme.org to test you port to see if something is blocking it.

If it doesn't test as open, then you must have a firewall blocking it.


Okay, but the only firewall I have is SP2 firewall (I don't think my norton06 has a firewall) and shouldn't Bitcomet be able to bypass this by it self?

Edit: Just went to the homepage you gave me, disabled windows sp2 firewall, disabled norton autoprotect and still it said

Error: I could not see your service on IP on port (33000)

Reason: Connection refused

I tried different ports, did not seem to be open :(

- Thx

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Depending on which Norton package you have it could possibly have its own firewall

it also has something called internet worm control. You need to add an exception for Bitcomet there.

Also when using the canyouseeme.org test you must have Bitcomet open

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  Dark_Shroud said:

Make sure you have BitComet running when you test canyouseeme.org. And when you're done click on one of their ads before leaving the page.

Ohh.. I will keep it open then.

5 min later.

Tried that. Still says that the connection is refused, am I still doing something wrong or is it because there is something blocking it. :o

Guessing it's me, crap.

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