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Run BitComet from a BAT file


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I would like to be able to add torrents to a bit comet client from a batch file, is that possible in any way?

Example bitcomet.exe /t c:\torrents\MyNewTorrent.torrent /d c:\download\MyNewFile

or something like that? Is that possible?

Thank you for a nice program

Kind Regards


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This brings back memories of days of D.O.S. lol

To be honest, I'm not sure what "command line" options Bit Comet supports.

Perhaps one of our support team might know, but most users run bit comet throught the Gui, not command line, so your question is rather unique.

I know most of the linux clients can be run through command line.


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You can almost always answer such questions for yourself.

Open a dos window, change to the bitcomet program directory, and type

bitcomet.exe /?

That will give you a list of command-line options. And yes, it looks like you can start a particular torrent that way.

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