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Upload Directory


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I am new to Bittorrent. I began downloading a file and I could see that there was also some uploading activity. I am concerned about this since I was not asked to define an upload directory during setup. Does it mean that all my directories are wide open for anyone ? How can I restrict the uploads to only one directory of my choice. Thanks

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The only thing you are uploading is the same files you are downloading.

Your torrent files are cut into thousands of pieces, and when you are given one of them, you are expected to copy it, then pass it on to another user. This is how filesharing is done.

Just be sure not to stop your torrent till your ratio is above 1.0

If you really like what you downloaded, then continue it longer. I generally will ALWAYS run torrents to seed (upload) when I leave the house, or go to sleep. By doing this you will become an asset to the comunity, rather then a "leech" (person that uploads less then he downloads).


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In answer to your specific question, NO, bittorrent does not work like that. There are no shared directories such as eDonkey uses. The only files being transferred are the ones contained in the torrents that you specifically start and keep running. The content of your hard disk is not visible to anyone else via bittorrent.

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