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Tracker Connection Error : 3

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Hey everyone! Need help here.

My BitComet can not connect any trackers at all. I have checked that the firewall has the correct settings (it basically alows any activity that BitComet performs). DHT network works and that what keeps my BitComet working. None of trackers do.

I checked the trackers info on the torrent site just now, and updated it. Doesn't work.

Here is the evidence:

1) My BitComet is allowed and every connection is allowed


2) But nothing helps and all the trackers get "Tracker Connection Error : 3" message


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Haven't seen this sort of error message before, but I have seen many, many, many problems and issues with Outpost. Try disabling it (you may need to actually uninstall it) and see if the problem goes away or at least changes. If it's an Outpost issue, both Kerio and Comodo have firewalls that are free for personal use, so try them instead.

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Im thinking this is something wrong with the new versions of Bitcomet or something that trackers dont like about the new versions.

I'm wondering if it has something to do with this: http://forums.bitcomet.com/index.php?showtopic=2187

If BC idents as a browser then it might be blocked as a some trackers don't like people viewing their announce URL.

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