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friend connecting to way more seeds than me on same exact torrent?

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Me and my friend are both trying to download something and for some reason hes getting connected to 4-5 times more seeds than i am . we are both downloading from the same source.. he said he opened a big amount of ports and that may have something to do with it.. but I dont know how to add a big amount of open ports on my router.. I have a DLINK DI-604 router

can anyone tell me why hes connecting to more peers than me?

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Well, I'm not sure as to what your friend meant by 'opening alot of ports' because BitComet only functions with 1 port. I.e. It only uses 1 port at all times, so opening multiple ports does not accelerate your download speed.

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:blink: Whoa...that is pretty bad for him, he's quite open to DOSX attacks.

Hm, this may also depend on the port that you're using. Are you using a port that's below 50,000. Because those ports are used by alot of users.

Being connected to alot of seeders isn't necessarily good for your friend either, as most packets (downloads) are sent via leechers, not by seeders (this is the general idea of torrents, it's used to lessen the jobs of seeds).

A general and rather effective way to increase your torrent (download) speed is to raise your Max Upload speed to 80%, add BitComet into your Firewall Exception list, and avoid using 3rd party patches like lvl lord.de

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