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The Peer window


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Hi folks,

I'm fairly new to the bitcomet client and I just have a question about the Peers Window in the client.

This screenshot was taken of my Peers window when I was seeding a file and not downloading anything so perhaps some details are not there.

I've had a look around in the documentation and FAQs but can't find an explanation for all the figures displayed.

Some are pretty obvious but I don't want to make assumptions that may be incorrect.

Does anyone know of a link where the peer window is explained for relative newbies?


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I may as well include my assumptions on what the figures mean on the Peer window.

IP - The IP address of the peer with the port number appended on the end separated by a colon from the IP address ?

% - The percentage of the file that the peer has downloaded ?

KB/s Dn - The speed that I am downloading from this peer ?

KB/s Up - The speed that the peer is uploading from me ?

Downloaded - The amount I've downloaded from this peer ?

Uploaded - The amount I've uploaded to this peer ?

Initiation - Don't know what this means but just seems to have two values of "Local" and "Remote" ?

KB/s Peer Dn - The speed at which the peer is capable of downloading ?

Client Type - The bittorrent client the peer is using ?

Error - Error messages ?

Status - No idea what this means? Seems to have values like "_ci_", "_c_C" and "__i_" ?

Some of these assumptions are sure to be correct but which ones am I mistaken on?

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Initiation - Don't know what this means but just seems to have two values of "Local" and "Remote" ?

Simply told:

"Local" means that you are the one who wants to connect to the "outside". "Remote" means the outside want to connect to you.

If you only have local connections you probably have a problem with port forwarding. Simply said: "nobody sees that you are there and that you want to download and upload".


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