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Hi all. I am new to BiComet, it was recommended to me. I have got as far as downloading BitComet but have not got a clue how to start off downloading music from other users. Could someone pleeeeeaaaaaaase let me know what i do to get going after its downloaded and installed.

Thanks. Jayne

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Ok, if you are unaware of how programs such as BitComet work, let me explain. BitTorrent programs are kind of like other P2P (Peer to Peer) programs, exept they use files called torrents. Torrents are files that are used by programs such as BitComet to connect you to Trackers. Trackers are a kind of log that keeps a list of all the people that have different files that torrents use to download the files to your computer.

I would have to recommend My BitTorrent for anything you need to download. They have almost anything you can think of to download. Once you find the things you want usign the websites search engine (Be sure to be very specific on what you type in to search on any torrent search or else half the things you get is p***), it will have a link to download ***.torrent (*** is whatever you want to download). Download that file, which shouldn't take more than a few seconds, and open it with BitComet.

BitComet will come up with another window inside it. For a basic user, all you have to do is click ok. Once you do it should start connecting and eventually start downloading. The default path that BitComet downloads things to is "C:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads". If you installed the program to another folder then locate that foder and inside will be a folder called Downloads. In there are all your downloads. Another way to get to the folder is highlite what you want to open and click on the OpenDir icon on BitComet's toolbar. That will open a new window with the downloads in them.

Once you have the files downloaded you can remoove them from the list of downloads in BitComet, unless you want to help spread files and be a good person you can leave it up there so other people can receive the file from you (if you have dial-up, this is highly unrecomended). Thats pretty all there is to it, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

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