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needed feature

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here some feature that I need for better usage

1. in download, can I manage client to receive package for Ex. All, Bitcomet, utorrent

because i meet this problem often that other client most send me a error packet (count 10-15)

but with client of bit comet they are zero error

2. can i setting what error count are going to temporaly banned IP

I just want to adjust to 10 count or 5 count

3 when task finish download can you not change the priority of task just leave it the way they have

when I download high priority I want to share it at high too

4. can i set the maximum download rate per each task

5. for the file that 100% download and other is 80%

when i disable the 100% once and I reenable it why dose it go to 98.8%

thank youguy a lot lot to make this program

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4. can i set the maximum download rate per each task

You can set it in the "advanced" of the "task properties"

5. for the file that 100% download and other is 80%

it is answered here:http://forums.bitcomet.com/index.php?showtopic=262

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