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Child Porn and Sex abuse online

The UnUsual Suspect

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Do you have any idea how much child p*** is on the Internet?

The figures are staggering, and perverts are getting busted every day, but this is just a drop in the bucket as to what needs to be done to STOP it, and keep our children, and their children safe.

Here is your chance to show your support by lighting a candle...


Please light your candle here, then come back and finish reading this blog, and take a quick few seconds to add a reply, so I know you care.

click here--> Light a Candle <---click there

My candle is burning...


Is yours?????????

Perverted Justice is a web based organization that fights back on behalf of our children. They have caught dozens of perverts attempting to arrange for sex with children ranging from teens, preteens, and younger.

They even have begun a TV show, where these perverts are caught on camera trying to meet children for sex. It is SHOCKING (to say the least) to see it happen, from the beginning (chatting with them) to talking to them and convincing them to meet for sex, then to see them walk up to the door, and leave in handcuffs...

I highly recommend their website...

click here--> Perverted Justice <--click there

Here is a good resource. This web site can show you what sex offenders live near you. I suspect there will be political presure to stop reporting sex offenders, by some political extremests claiming it's violating their civil rights. Please vote for politicians that support reporting these people, as it has been proven that many sex offenders repeat their crime, and very few are cured, or respond to any known treatment.

United States map of sex offenders

click here--> Map of Sex Offenders <--click there

Please show your support for these web sites by reposting this everywhere you can.

Please contact me if you would like a copy of this post in "html" code (for web sites, myspace, etc.), or in "BB code" (for most forums)

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As uncouth and 'savage' as it may sound, I'd like to be able to take one of these perverts into a closed room, and perform unmentionable (and most likely, not legal) 'enfringements on his civil rights'. Just he and I.

I'm sure that he would have something to remind him of the 'occasion', every time he looked at himself, from then on.


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  • 5 months later...

Hello guys,

New to torrents and I took some time today to look into your forum. Really happy to see that there are a lot of people out there who are concerned with this mattter and hopefully more will responde. Not a parent yet but it's still a matter that worries me a lot. I think that people who perform acts like this are really sick and a simple slap on the hand isn't enough. I think the death penatly is more appropriate. Also another matter that is really worriesome is child abuse. I believe that children should never have to endure such pains. If you have any other sites concerning these matters please post them.

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If you live in the Uk or here in Australia or NZ, voluntary castration provided through chemical stimulas or medical procedure is available and Courts have the facility to order these procedures in circumstances that they feel appropriate with.

Voluntary castration has , as you would imagine a limited uptake but it does happen as does court inacted operations.

I abhor the morally bankrupt individuals who promulgate this offensive garbage on the net and the people who download this exploitive horrendous material and one has to wonder what has and is happening to the poor innocents who are the subject matter here.

A case came to light in 2005 in Italy, where a man was filmed enticing a young boy to come out of a cubicle in a shopping centre toilet facility. The CGT showed him tapping on the door of the cubicle and then obviously talking to the occupant under the door and then after a time the door opened and a young boy of no more than 4 or 5 years was seen to walk out of the toilet facility hand in hand with this successful pervert.

An alert and vigilant officer at the centres Com unit notified the Polizia Municipale and this miscreant was apprehended and it was only after four hours of intensive investigation that his story was corroborated by his distraught wife and children and various other acquaintances.

This potential pervert turned out to be the father of the young boy and it was the young blokes first time by himself in a public toilet by himself with out his Mum or Dad helping him. His Dad thought it the perfect opportunity to toilet train him into the bigtime.

The little fella got a bit scared and when Dad knocked and then got down on his knees and talked under the door, he started to cry. All this of course was not noticed by the Com officer watching the CCT. He was not at fault, as far as he was concerned he was doing his job and he performed it well.

Who was at fault here; The Father, the com guy doing his job, the Police doing theirs?

I guess no one was at fault but it does show you where zealous thoughts and actions can lead. Vigilantism and a sometimes herd mentality can lead to mistakes of accusation and the resulting actions.

The outing of people thought to be convicted perverts etc, is all well and good but occasionally a genuine innocent is caught up in this or a person with a genuine medical problem is shamed and named and I wonder at times at the mentality of the people who are prepared to point the finger with out knowing all the facts or at the very least, the facts that are available at the time.

I have registered my approval of the objects and rationale of the Light a Candle campaign and I hope that I'm not considered a political extremist of the civil rights left agenda for posting a somewhat long cautionary tale, but thats the beauty of the internet and free speech isn't it?

Candles lit = 1,998,497

This is the number of my candle.


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To DadnSpen...up until recently I would have totally disagreed with your comments. However after seeing a movie with Kevin Bacon in it where he played a convicted child molester who has subsequently been released form prison...my thoughts (although still vehemently disgusted with these degenerates) was "opened up" as to what these people go through....basically they are sick, no-one can deny that, however we still do need to understand that what they do and the way they think is a form of mental illness. Unfortunately, rather then treat them as any other effected person who undergoes medical treatment...we choose to ostracise these people to the ultimate degree. I believe that we as humans are naturally disgusted with these types of acts and myself as a parent would probably commit untold acts on any person who molested any of my children...but we still need to show..if anything a semblence of pity towards these types of people.

I agree totally that any way we can get rid of this type of disgusting crap from the big wide internet is a good step in the right direction. However we also have to be wary of who we tarnish with this label of being a molester.

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Spot on Scorps. I watched a programme once where they had let out a known sex offender and he knew he was going to offend again and he ended up being one of the first people here who voluntarly had himself medically castrated. Just think about the strength this person used to come to this decision. He was a 53 year old married man and even with castration he said the desires never went away and he wished that he could rid himself of this deamon(as he called it).

I agree 100% with any campaign to stop this dire industry and people who claim to have a look at this stuff and then say that they would never do anything like it and also that it doesn't hurt because it's on the internet are almost as bad as the actual perpetrators.

Where are their values, where is their humanity.

Many claims by websites that state that all their models(?) are over 18 is just a crock of Crap. They still depict this horror by inuendo the mongrels and they need closing down and fines/jail etc. They are feeding the desires of people with abhorent sexual deviation and thats just plain wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
Guest woodbine

I agree. There should be so much R-Rated pictures, or Adult pictures for children to see.

They might get in to it too much and become a nasty person...

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