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Download speed


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I am downloading the Departed at 29 kB/s, and 2 days ago i downloaded the bourne identity at only 25, a week ago i downloaded anchorman at 27 consistently. IS it always this slow, cuz it takes like 2days to download each movie? also, if it isn't, how do u improve it? i read the speed guide tutorial and did everything it said and it was running at 60 or 70 KB/s for a while. I am also only downloading 1 file at a time. thanks.

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If you followed the guide, and you are not seeing anything obviously wrong such as a lack of remote connections, then you've probably reached the best speed you can get for those torrents.

The biggest factor in download speed is the composition of the swarm and its relative network connectivity to you. Unfortunately, that's also a factor you cannot do anything about. Once you've made sure your client is configured properly (and still is, btw), there's nothing more you can do. If a torrent isn't very popular and the swarm is small, with few seeders, you'll just have to wait. (Oh, and be glad you're not a classical music and old cinema buff, you want to see SLOW.)

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