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unable to read/open


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When I try to dl a file with Torrentreactor I get the message ' unable to read the torrent - try again'

It used to work fine.

The other torrent file-site I use is mininova.org. There I can bring it into bitcomet but a little red cross appears and 'torrent can not open target folder'

Could it be blocked by SP 2 ? Probably not. Any other solutions? Thx Frank.

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The "unable to read" message indicates that there's something wrong with the torrent file itself. Sometimes a site encounters an error when trying to send the torrent, so error messages get written into the file instead of the correct content. Try downloading it again, or try a different site with the same torrent, or another torrent with the same material.

The red cross appears whenever BitComet is, for any reason, not able to write to the disk. That can have a lot of causes, one of them being pathnames and another being permissions. Check your preferences to see what your default download directory is. Then make sure there aren't any errors (like forbidden characters) in the directory name; that the directory actually exists; and that you have write permission on the directory.

It's better if you set your download directory outside of the "Program Files" tree (where it's set by default), because later versions of Windows try to protect that tree.

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Thans for the advice. I had to change the default directory path

but i couldn't find it at first.

  kluelos said:

The "unable to read" message indicates that there's something wrong with the torrent file itself. Sometimes a site encounters an error when trying to send the torrent, so error messages get written into the file instead of the correct content. Try downloading it again, or try a different site with the same torrent, or another torrent with the same material.

The red cross appears whenever BitComet is, for any reason, not able to write to the disk. That can have a lot of causes, one of them being pathnames and another being permissions. Check your preferences to see what your default download directory is. Then make sure there aren't any errors (like forbidden characters) in the directory name; that the directory actually exists; and that you have write permission on the directory.

It's better if you set your download directory outside of the "Program Files" tree (where it's set by default), because later versions of Windows try to protect that tree.

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