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Any Win RAR expert ?


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Cracking software programs is not permitted to be discussed in this forum, however assisting others in "finding" passwords, or helping to decompress torrent files is.

I've reopened your topic.

Also, I am thinking by looking at that crazy password...

w141499@www.mimip2p.com~KaraBar.org ~ 天空之城~TW@FCB~冰城奇域~Update! p2p 77

If you notice the "????" segments. It is possible that these represent a symbol in a language that your computer doesn't support, like Arabic, Chinese or such.

You also have to be careful not to add "spaces" on beginning or end of passwords.


ps. I personally wouldn't waste any more time on this one, and avoid anything with such a long password, as they almost always don't work.

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:P oopps... sorry for violating the rules, will be more careful next time.

btw, hv deleted the @#$% rar file, and will keep an eye on "suspicious" p/w next time b4 d/l any rars

Just feel bad coz hv downloaded quite a number of these files, and all are my fav songs

appreciate your time , thanx !

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